
Chesapeake Gateways Partner Profile: Corazón Latino

Chesapeake Bay

Corazon Latino Logo
Corazón Latino, a national non-profit organization, generates social, environmental, and conservation initiatives that foster natural resource stewardship. Corazón Latino’s partnership with National Park Service's Chesapeake Gateways engaged the Chesapeake watershed’s Latino and Hispanic communities with the region’s special places by collaborating in developing culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate materials and experiences for Latino communities at sites within the Chesapeake Gateways Network to advance inclusive access and community stewardship.
A group of people standing near a podium.
De Corazón a Corazón: Música, Naturaleza y Cultura (Heart to Heart: Music, Nature, and Culture), at Rock Creek Park Nature Center, Washington, D.C.

During the multi-year partnership, Corazón Latino led efforts to identify and connect with national, regional, and local grassroots Latino organizations working in the Chesapeake watershed to collaborate on engaging people with the Gateways Network. Corazón Latino provided training and assistance for partners, deploying cultural competency training, and developing an outreach plan and materials to support Chesapeake partners as they continued to engage Latino communities in recreation, education, and stewardship. In addition, Corazón Latino hosted community events with Chesapeake partners to connect with local and regional Latino communities virtually or at Chesapeake Gateway sites. The Corazon Latino and NPS Chesapeake partnership sponsored celebrations like free, family-focused event, De Corazón a Corazón: Música, Naturaleza y Cultura (Heart to Heart: Music, Nature, and Culture) at Rock Creek Park Nature Center in Washington, D.C. More than 250 people gathered at Rock Creek Park Nature Center to enjoy Latino food and music and learn about stewardship and conservation. “Corazón Latino’s Executive Director, Felipe Benitez, welcomed guests, partners, and dignitaries with opening remarks about the importance of both protecting our public lands and waters and making our National Parks and Forests truly inclusive, to reflect our American tapestry and to serve as a refuge and outlet to promote mental health and well-being. “We're celebrating our love and care for nature, by honoring our Madre Tierra – Mother Earth – and our culture.” This collaboration highlights the power of partnerships in promoting inclusive access and community stewardship.

Last updated: June 28, 2024