Last updated: February 13, 2025
Celebrate Washington's Birthday at Valley Forge

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Celebrate George Washington's birthday at Valley Forge National Historical Park on Monday, February 17, 2025! Reenactors, hands-on activities, and cupcakes will be in the Visitor Center at Valley Forge and the Meeting Room from 10 AM to 2 PM.
NPS Photo / B. Dhunjisha
Eat a Cupcake (while supplies last)
Kick off the party with a cupcake (while supplies last). Birthday cupcakes are donated by The Culinary Arts Institute of Montgomery County Community College and distributed by members of the Valley Forge Park Alliance.

NPS Photo / G. Purifoy
Wish George a Happy Birthday
Meet George and Martha Washington, pose for a picture, and wish the General a happy birthday!
Make a Birthday Card and Hat
Create a birthday card to present to General Washington and fold your very own “tricorn” hat so you can be dressed appropriately when you meet him. These crafts are located in the Meeting Room. Sponsored by The Encampment Store with support from volunteers from the Valley Forge Park Alliance.
Be a Washington's Birthday Junior Ranger
Pick up a special Washington's Birthday Junior Ranger activity sheet inside the Visitor Center at Valley Forge, then travel around the park following the Encampment Tour route to find learn how Washington spent his birthday throughout his life. Fill in the questions and bring your completed activity sheet back to the visitor center to receive your Washington's Birthday Junior Ranger badge!

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A Revolutionary Life
Watch nine fun and informative videos, contributed by eight different historic sites, which present early American history through the lens of what was happening in General George Washington's life around the time of his birthday over the years.