
Bridget Borg - Wildlife Biologist

Denali National Park & Preserve

A woman with a (tranquilized) wolf.
Bridget Borg is a wildlife biologist at Denali National Park and Preserve, where she studies wolves.

Bridget Borg, Ph.D.
Wildlife Biologist
Denali National Park and Preserve
P.O. Box 9
Denali Park, AK 99755

Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
B.S. Zoology, Biological Aspects of Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Skills and Research Interests

  • Wildlife biologist with over a decade of experience in wildlife field work and research program management

  • Principal Investigator for Denali National Park’s long-term wolf and caribou research programs

Professional Experience
2015-present – Wildlife Biologist, Wolf Project PI, Denali National Park and Preserve
2012-2015 – Wildlife Biologist, Road Ecology and Wolf project, Denali National Park and Preserve
2007-2012 – Biological Technician, Denali National Park and Preserve
2004 – Bird Bander, Audobon Society, Florida Keys
2003 – Fisheries Intern, Santa Fe National Forest

Professional Activities and Memberships
The Wildlife Society member
Mentor for Geoscientists-in-Parks participants

2024. Benson, J., D. Keiter, P. Mahoney, B. Allen, L. Allen, B. L. Borg,… K. Joly, … M. Sorum, et al. 2024. Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups. Ecology: e4492.

2024 Prugh, L. R., J. D. Lundquist, B. K. Sullender, C. X. Cunningham, J. Dechow, B. L. Borg, P. J. Sousanes, S. Stehn, and M. T. Furand. 2024. Landscape heterogeneity buffers the impact of an extreme weather event on wildlife. Communications Biology 7(1515).

2022 Sorum, M., J. Pruszenski, and B. Borg. 2022. It takes a pack to raise a pup. Frontiers for Young Minds 10: 735160.

2022 Borg, B. L. and D. W. Schirokauer. 2022. The role of weather and long-term prey dynamics as drivers of wolf population dynamics in a multi-prey system. Frontiers in Ecological Evolution 10: 791161.

2021 Borg, B. L., S. M. Arthur, J. A. Falke, and L. R. Prugh. 2021. Determinants of gray wolf (Canis lupus) sightings in Denali National Park. Arctic 74(1): 51-66.

2021 Klauder, K., B. Borg, and L. Prugh. 2021. Living on the edge: Spatial response of coyotes (Canis latrans) to wolves (Canis lupus) in the subarctic. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 279-288.

2021 Klauder, K. J., B. L. Borg, K. J. Sivy, and L. R. Prugh. 2021. Gifts of an enemy: Scavenging dynamics in the presence of wolves (Canis lupus). Journal of Mammalogy

2021 Brandell, E. E., P. C. Cross, M. E. Craft, D. W. Smith, E. J. Dubovi, ...B. L. Borg, M. Sorum, ... et al. 2021. Patterns and processes of pathogen exposure in gray wolves across North America. Scientific Reports 11: 3722.

2020 Mahoney, P. J. K. Joly, B. L. Borg, M. S. Sorum, T. A. Rinaldi, … B. Mangipane, et al. 2020. Denning phenology and reproductive success of wolves in response to climate signals. Environmental Research Letters 15(12): 125001.

2020 Borg, B.L., Arthur, S. M., Falke, J.A. Prugh, L. R. In press. Spatially explicit dynamics of wolf sightings in Denali National Park. Arctic.

2020 Davidson, S. C., et al. (including Borg, B.L.) 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370(6517): 712-715.

2020 Borg, B.L., Klauder, K.J. 2019. Annual Wolf Report, Denali National Park and Preserve.

2020 Van de Kerk, M., Arthur, S., Bertram, M., Borg, B.L., Herriges, J., Lawler, J., … Prugh, L. Environmental Influences on Dall’s Sheep Survival. Journal of Wildlife Management 1–12.

2019 Borg, B.L., Klauder, K.J 2018 Annual Wolf Report, Denali National Park and Preserve.

2019 Joly, K., Gurarie, E., Sorum, M. S., Kaczensky, P., Cameron, M. D., Jakes, A. F., Borg, B.L., Nandintsetseg, D.,Hopcraft, J. G.C.,Buuveibaatar, B.,Jones, P. F.,Mueller, T.,Walzer, C., Olson, K. A.,Payne, J. C.Yadamsuren, A., Hebblewhite, M. Longest terrestrial migrations and movements around the world. Scientific Reports 9(1), 1–10.

2018 Borg, B.L., Klauder, K.J. 2017 Annual Wolf Report, Denali Natioanl Park and Preserve.

2018 Rattenbury, K. L., Schmidt, J. H., Swanson, D. K., Borg, B. L., Mangipane, B. A., & Sousanes, P. J. Delayed spring onset drives declines in abundance and recruitment in a mountain ungulate. Ecosphere 9(11), 1–15.

2018 Borg B.L. Ground-based surveys for Dall’s sheep in Denali National Park: 2008-2017 report. Natural Resource Report. NPS/DENA/NRR—2018/1611. National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado.

2017 Borg, B.L., Goad E. H., Klauder, K.L. Vital Signs Monitoring of Wolf (Canis lupus) Distribution and Abundance in Denali National Park and Preserve, Central Alaska Network: 2013-2015 Report Natural Resource Data Series.

2017 Borg, B.L., Klauder, K.L. 2016 Annual Wolf Report.

2016 Barber-Meyer, S.M., Mech, L.D., Newton, W.E., Borg, B.L. 2016. Differential Wolf-pack-size persistence and the role of risk when hunting dangerous prey. Behaviour 153(12).

2016 Sazatornil, V., Rodríguez, A., Klaczek, M., Ahmadi, M., Álvares, F., Arthur, S., Blanco, J.C., Borg, B.L., Cluff, D., Cortés, Y., García, E.J., Geffen, E., Habib, B., Iliopoulos, Y., Kaboli, M., Krofel, M., Llaneza, L., Marucco, F., Oakleaf, J.K., Person, D.K., Potočnik, H., Ražen, N., Rio-Maior, H., Sand, H., Unger, D., Wabakken, P., and J.V. López-Bao, The role of human-related risk in breeding site selection by wolves. September 2016. Biological Conservation (201): 103-110.

2016 Borg B.L., Arthur S.M., Bromen N.A., Cassidy, K. A., R. M. McIntyre, and D. Smith. Implications of harvest on the boundaries of protected areas for large carnivore viewing opportunities. PLoS One.

2015 Borg B.L. Effects of harvest on wolf social structure, population dynamics and viewing opportunities in National Parks. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Fairbanks, Alaska.

2015 Borg, B.L., S. Brainerd, T. Meier, L. Prugh. Impacts of Breeder Loss on Social Structure, Reproduction and Population Growth in a Social Canid. Journal of Animal Ecology.

2014 Borg, B.L., and L.M. Phillips. 2014. Monitoring dust along the Denali Park Road: Summary report 2007–2009. Natural Resource Data Series. NPS/DENA/NRDS—2014/692. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

2014 McKenny, H.M. Roed, Borg, B.L. Standards in the Denali Park Road Vehicle Management Plan: How do current conditions measure up? A summary report 2011 – 2012. Natural Resources Technical Report. NPS/DENA/NRTR-2014/867. Fort Collins, Colorado. Published Report-2209853.

2013 Borg, B.L., J. Burch. 2012 CAKN Annual Wolf Report, Natural Resource Technical Report Series.

2013 Borg, B.L. Investigator Annual Reports for 2012 on Wolf Population Monitoring and Aerial Sheep Survey.

2013 Borg, B.L. 2009 Denali National Park Dust Report, Natural Resource Technical Report Series.

2013 Borg, B.L., Wolf project updates for Subsistence Resource Council, Briefing Statements, Current Projects, and Wolf Fact Sheet for Denali National Park.

2012 Phillips, L.M., B.L. Borg, M.L. Snover. Assessment of vehicle use and wildlife sightings in Denali National Park and Preserve: Summary Report 2006-2009.

2020 Follicular Dysplasia and Lice Investigations, Dr. Kimberlee Beckmen, Mark Nelson, Alaska Department of Fish and Game

2018-20 Disease Screening of North American Wolves, Ellen Brandell, University of Pennsylvania

2018-20 Canid Cohesion Project, Dave Keiter and John Bensom, University of Nebraska

2018 Snowshoe hair coat phenology, University of Alberta

2017 Determination of the fecal microbiota of wildwolves, Mark Roberts, AgResearch New Zealand

2016-20 Animals on the Move, University of Washington, NASA ABoVE project

2016-20 Dall Sheep Survival; University of Washington, NASA ABoVE project

2016-18 Scavenging dynamics of mesocarnivores, and habitat selection and movements of coyotes, Kaija Klauder,University of Washington

2016-17 Wildlife Sighting Application and Citizen Science, Dr. Heather Fischer, Arizona State University, Map of Life

2015-16 Economic Values of Wolves in Denali National Park and Preserve, Dr. John Loomis, Colorado State University

2015-20 Wolf Hunting adjacent to National Parks: measuring impacts to wolf populations, pack stability and long-term research. Collaboration with Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and Yukon Charley National Preserve

2015 Using accelerometer collars to explore landscape scale movement cost in wolves, Caleb Bryce, University of California, Santa Cruz

Media Coverage of Research
2020 NPS:
2020 Nature E&E:
U Maryland:
2020 Veterinary University in Vienna (in German):
2019 "Kieling's Wild World – Wilderness in Danger", 24.03.2019, 7 p.m. until 8.15 p.m.:
2018 “A Denali, Alaska, royaume de loups… et de chasseurs” Article in Le Temps, Valérie de Graffenried,
2018 “Wolves matter. Technology shows us why” Article and video on Cnet, Megan Wollerton,
2016 KUAC Radio Interview, May
2016 earthexpeditions/2016/07/12/counting-sheep-the-driving-force-of-denali/
2016 hunting-wolves-near-denali-yellowstone-cuts-wolf-sightings-in-half/
2013 Fairbanks Newsminer, Dec 2. “Decline in wolf sightings is troubling”
2013 KTOO, Juneau AK. Nov 29. “Fewer wolf viewings in Denali National Park”
2013 Alaska Dispatch, Nov 28. “Are hunting and trapping to blame for a drop in wolf sightings in Alaska's Denali National Park?”
2013 Anchorage Daily News, Nov 27. “More protections proposed after fewer Denali wolf sightings”
2013 Alaska Magazine, Sept. “Wolves of Denali: Achieving a Fine Balance”
2013 Interview with Kevin Dupzyk, journalist with University of Montana, Bozeman.
2012 LA Times, May 22. “Trapper who killed Denali wolves scoffs at buffer zone”
2012 Alaska Dispatch, May 21. “Snared wolves trigger outrage, calls for Denali buffer zone”
2012 Anchorage Daily News, May 21. “Two Denali wolves killed outside of park”

Last updated: December 17, 2024