Last updated: November 15, 2024
Project Profile: Wild Spotter to Detect Invasive Species

Photo courtesy of the Schoodic Institute.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Invasive Species | FY24 $325,000
The National Park Service (NPS) will adapt Wild Spotter for use in national parks. Wild Spotter is a citizen science application to engage the public to help detect invasive species in America's wilderness areas, wild rivers, and other natural areas. Through the application of Wild Spotter, the NPS will garner support for scientific efforts such as controlling invasive species in 35 parks, while helping address a problem where impacts are felt the strongest. This engaging method of conservation will help parks remove invasive species more quickly.
Why? Through this project, the NPS will enhance the ability to detect and maintain invasive species within parks. By adapting Wild Spotter, it enables the public to actively participate in invasive species surveillance. This engagement provides the NPS with valuable data to mitigate the impacts of these species where they are most needed.
What else? Beyond mobilizing the public to manage the spread of invasive species with Wild Spotter, this project will distribute education and outreach materials to visits and NPS staff and volunteers and provide train-the-trainer to volunteer leaders at parks.