Last updated: July 12, 2024
Benjamin Rush Garden Project

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Located at the northeast corner of Third and Walnut Streets, the garden occupies the former site of Benjamin Rush's house. The space is now fully accessible via a ramp connecting the garden to the Walnut Street sidewalk.Project Overview
Independence National Historical Park and the Independence Historical Trust partned to renovate this space to showcase the 1976 Bicentennial Bell—a gift to the people of United States from the people of Great Britain.
The renovated garden features the bell surrounded by pathways, lights, and planting beds. Informational signage will be located throughout the garden allowing visitors to learn more about the Bicentennial Bell and Dr. Benjamin Rush—who's house occupied the site in the late 1790s and early 1800s.
The renovated garden is fully accessible for all to enjoy the greenery and take a moment to relax and unwind from the surrounding bustling city. The project is a collaborative effort between Independence National Historical Park and their non-profit philanthropic partner, the Independence Historical Trust.
Project Timeline
Work on the new garden broke ground in the winter of 2024 and the National Park Service plans to open the garden to the public in summer 2024.Benjamin Rush Garden
The former site of Dr. Benjamin Rush's house is now a charming garden oasis amidst bustling city streets. Located on the corner of Third and Walnut Streets, the garden features the Bicentennial Bell.