Article • Ballot Blocked Podcast

Ballot Blocked Episode 3: Remembering History's Complexities

Entrance hall at Belmont Paul Women's Equality National Monument
Entrance hallway of the Belmont Paul Women's Equality National Monument.

National Park Service

This episode explores the fight for women's suffrage in the pivotal decades before and after ratification of the 19th Amendment. It explores the changing tactics of the suffrage movement as well as the battles for inclusion and equity that took place within women's organizations in the early 20th century United States.

To learn more about this history, we interviewed Susan Philpott. A public historian and National Park Service ranger, Philpott has worked at the National Mall and Memorial Parks for over a decade. She volunteered to be one of the first rangers at Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument when it was designated in 2016. In this conversation, Philpott reflects on the challenges of researching and interpreting the complex history of women's voting rights.

Part of a series of articles titled Ballot Blocked Podcast.

Last updated: October 21, 2024