
Army Gingerbread Recipe


21 ounces sugar
10 eggs
2 ½ pints milk
¼ ounce cinnamon
6 pounds flour
21 ounces fat (lard or lard substitute)
2 ½ pints molasses
2 ¾ ounces soda
2 ounces ginger

Cream sugar, shortening, and spices. Add the eggs gradually, then add soda dissolved in molasses and milk. Mix thoroughly. Fold in flour. Grease pans. Bake in a medium oven (325-400 degrees F. - 12 to 16 counts) for about 30 minutes. This may be baked as [sic] muffin in muffin tins.

This recipe is brought to you directly from the The Army Cook, TM 10-405, without alteration. (Pg. 226)

Aleutian Islands World War II National Historic Area

Last updated: December 13, 2020