Article • Lewis and Clark Trail 2021 Annual Report

Across the Lewis and Clark Trail 2021

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

zoomed out map of Lewis and Clark Trail. Route winds from Pittsburgh to the Pacific Ocean. Down the Ohio River, up the Missouri River, acorss the Rocky Mountains, and west along the Columbia River.
4,900 miles. 16 states. One Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail.
About this article: This article was originally published in the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 2021 Annual Report.

Check out some of Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail's partners and projects at work in 2021. Listed from East to West.
7 people in matching yellow shirts stand around sign. Insignia reads Eastern Legacy, drawing of two boats. Plaque below with information and photos.

Photo: Debi Brimner. 

Sewickley, PA.

Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Eastern Legacy sign dedication marking Woollery’s Trap, where in 1803, Lewis had to hire out local oxen to pull the mud-stuck boats.

Man in early 1800s replica clothing, stands on a riverfront pavilion addressing a crowd. He wears a buckskin jacket and a necklace of bear claws.

West Point, KY.

Hasan Davis portrays York at the Historic Trails Chautauqua: Storytelling on the River two-day event featuring music, cycling, paddling, and historical reenactments.

Group of four people on stage. Podium reads NIEA. On

Omaha, NE.

The Honoring Tribal Legacies program formally transitioned to the National Indian Education Association (NIEA) at the 2021 NIEA conference.

Close up photo of American Kestrel on a white background. Small hawk looks at the viewer. Carmel colored belly, chocolate colored wings, two dark vertical marks below eyes.

Photo: Alex Wiles. Used with permission.

Missouri River Wildlife Walk, MT, SD, ND, NE, IA, KS, MO.

Outdoor exhibit featuring photos by Alex Wiles.

Ranger with sunglasses and pony tail smiles and holds up blue activity booklet. Booklet reads Junior Ranger. Lewis and Clark Trail logo.

Pompeys Pillar National Monument, MT.

Bureau of Land Managment Ranger Colleen Latyshev holds up the new Lewis and Clark Trail Junior Ranger activity book.

Person with long dark hair dressed in historic reenactment buckskins holds a plant and shows two young teens. Teepee behind.

Photo: Dale Dufour. 

Travelers’ Rest State Park, MT.

Indigenous interpreter Buck Morigeau teaches young visitors about traditional Séliš uses for plants.

Hand holds up brochure with the National Park Service's iconic branding, black band on top. Brochure reads Lewis and Clark and features photo of rocky beach. Lush dark forest background.

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park, OR & WA.

After participating in the 2021 Descriptathon Challenge, the park now has an audio described accessible brochure.

Part of a series of articles titled Lewis and Clark Trail 2021 Annual Report.

Last updated: January 24, 2022