Article • 2022 Annual Report: Valles Caldera National Preserve

2022 Annual Report: A Look Back with Superintendent Jorge Silva-Bañuelos

Valles Caldera National Preserve

A stream meanders through a narrow valley.
East Fork Jemez River in Hidden Valley.

NPS/L. Ray

Looking back on 2022, I am grateful for all who cherish Valles Caldera and contribute to its continued stewardship—our staff, volunteers, contractors, park neighbors, numerous Pueblo and Tribal communities, Los Amigos de Valles Caldera, agency partners, and dozens of research institutions and organizations. We share the honor of preserving and enjoying the wonders held within our public lands, and it is a privilege to do so alongside you.

This year has been one of tremendous progress at Valles Caldera. Together, we developed a 5-Year Strategic Action Plan to chart the park’s future. This action plan has six strategic focus areas.

  1. Visitor Experience – Infrastructure & Interpretation
  2. Tribal Partnerships
  3. Team Cohesion
  4. Planning & Community Engagement
  5. Restoring Resources & Values in the Frontcountry
  6. Sustainable Operations

Our vision for Valles Caldera National Preserve is to become a national model for sustainability, restoration, and tribal partnerships that offers a welcoming and engaging landscape for all. As you’ll see in the articles that follow, we are well on our way.

Onward together,
Superintendent Jorge Silva-Bañuelos

Part of a series of articles titled 2022 Annual Report: Valles Caldera National Preserve.

Last updated: January 18, 2023