Anacostia Park Environmental Cleanup Projects

CERCLA Sites Map
Map of NPS CERCLA sites in Anacostia Park.

NPS Photo

Anacostia Park is a vibrant urban park located on both sides of the Anacostia River in Washington, DC. Over the past 100 years of industrialism, parts of Anacostia Park were exposed to hazardous substances that could pose a risk to human health and or the environment.

The National Park Service is currently leading cleanups at sites along the shores of the Anacostia River under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). Each of these sites are in a different phase of the cleanup process and the NPS continues its commitment to get the job done right, while working with all involved in order to provide a safer Anacostia River that is a cornerstone of community pride.

The National Park Service is authorized under CERCLA to respond as the lead agency for three sites located along the Anacostia River. As the lead agency, the NPS is responsible for determining the nature and extent of contamination at these sites and evaluating the risks to human health and the environment. They are also responsible for evaluating potential cleanup options at the sites.


Anacostia Park CERCLA Sites


Anacostia River Sediments Project

Learn more about how the National Park Service and the District Department of Energy and Environment are working together to clean up the Anacostia River.

Last updated: July 18, 2024

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1900 Anacostia Drive, S.E.
Washington, DC 20020



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