
The address is 1925 Vermont Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20001. The memorial is located at the corner of Vermont Avenue, 10th St, and U Street NW, near the U Street/African-Amer Civil War Memorial/Cardozo Metro Station.


GPS Coordinates
Decimal Minutes (GPS): N38 54.99323 W77 1.55861
Decimal (WGS84): 38.916554, -77.025977
Degrees Minutes Seconds: N 38° 54' 59.5938", W 77° 1' 33.5166"


Getting There

Public Transit

The memorial is most easily accessible by bus and Metro service to the African American Memorial/UStreet/Cardoza Metro station.

For more information, on public transit options to travel to the city of Washington, DC visit National Mall and Memorial Parks' Public Transportation page.

The Nation's Capital area is bicycle friendly and readily accessible to riders of nearly every skill level. For detailed information, see Bicycling Information.

Street parking is available on Vermont Ave NW, but may be limited. For information on getting to the city of Washington, DC by car, visit National Mall and Memorial Parks's Directions page.

Last updated: April 10, 2015

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1100 Ohio Drive SW
Washington, DC 20242


202 426-6841

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