Become A Law Enforcement Ranger

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If not you, then who? Create positive change, be a part of the legacy, and trailblaze the future by joining National Park Service law enforcement, which protects our natural and cultural heritage and the many people who come out to enjoy these special places.

Law enforcement ranger standing next to a patrol vehicle with the Gateway Arch in the background
“Living my dream protecting both the wonders of nature and the visitors who come to experience them” - Law Enforcement Ranger Jami Beck

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Protect people, parks, and our shared heritage.

Law enforcement is a rewarding profession. Combine it with some of America's most amazing views, historically significant places and rich cultures and you have a fulfilling and noble career. The National Park Service (NPS) is looking for its next generation of law enforcement rangers—those trusted to protect the country's most precious resources.

We're proud that our law enforcement rangers come from all walks of life and cultures. Whether you're a veteran, bilingual, or just looking for a meaningful career, there's a path to employment for you.

Find Positions and Locations

Apply for National Park Service law enforcement positions at USA Jobs. The National Park Service may fill law enforcement positions at any of the below locations.

List of Potential Law Enforcement Locations Hiring
Park State City

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Series of four law enforcement recruitment posters with National Park Service imagery. Each poster also includes text with the question "If not you, then who?" in English or Spanish.
The National Park Service is actively recruiting for a diverse workforce and welcomes applicants from all backgrounds.

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The National Park Service is actively recruiting for new law enforcement rangers to join our team! Prior attendance of a Park Ranger Law Enforcement Academy (PRLEA, also known as “Seasonal Academy”) is not a prerequisite for consideration. Prior NPS experience is not required. Jobs will be posted approximately two times each year, for multiple locations across the service.

Are you or someone you know:

If so, you could be a good candidate for this opportunity! We also advertise announcements open to the public, and U.S. military veterans receive preference. Learn more about Veteran’s Preference in federal hiring.

Series of law enforcement recruitment posters that feature US military service members as also park rangers
We are proud to hire US veterans and transitioning military members into law enforcement positions.

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Last updated: June 6, 2024