Welcome to the United States of America's 60th presidential inauguration. We're glad you've come to join us! A full schedule of events and ways to participate are made available on the Presidential Inaugural Committee's website.

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Presidential Inauguration Junior Ranger Activity Book
Every four years, our country elects a new president of the United States by voting. The winner of the election comes to Washington, D.C. to take the official oath of office on Inauguration Day.
Every presidential inauguration is a historic event. Learn more about inaugurations and U.S. presidents to earn a special Junior Ranger badge. Download the Presidential Inauguration Junior Ranger book (5.6MB PDF) to get started.
What is an Inauguration?

Library of Congress/Carol M. Highsmith
An inauguration is a ceremony that marks the beginning of a person's service in a role.
Inauguration Day marks the inauguration of the next president and vice president.
In the United States, elections take place every four years. Inauguration Day occurs on January 20 (or January 21 if January 20 falls on a Sunday).
The inauguration can take place anywhere. It usually occurs at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Left image
George Washington
Right image
Federal Hall
Can You Imagine?

NPS/Sierra Moeykens
Imagine yourself as a Junior Ranger—you will be at the end of this story! Everyone is welcome to be a Junior Ranger in the National Park Service.
What would you look like as a Junior Ranger?
What would you look like as a National Park Service Ranger? You can save this image, color it in, and write your name in the name bar!
Now, stretch your imagination a little further.
Can you see yourself as the President of the United States? This is our democracy! What would happen during your inauguration? Let's find out!
Text on the image reads "Junior Ranger. Color yourself as a Junior Ranger holding something cool! Add badges to the Junior Ranger Vest! Write something in the hat bands and name tag! What would you look like as a Park Ranger?"
The park ranger is standing on the left side of the image in a uniform includes a hat with a prominent flat brim. The uniform also has a button-up, short-sleeve shirt with two pockets. A ranger badge is pinned above the rightside pocket. The ranger is also wearing pants with a belt.
The Junior Ranger is standing on the right side of the image in a uniform that includes a hat with a prominent flat brim. The uniform also has a zipped vest over a short-sleeve shirt. The Junior Ranger is also wearing short and boots.
Presidents of the United States
In order to be elected president, a person must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, be at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for at least 14 years.
Could you be elected president?
Who has been the president of the United States? Explore the following gallery from the Library of Congress.
Why is the 60th Inauguration Historic?
For only the second time in American history, a president has been elected to non-consecutive terms. President Trump's victory in the 2024 election will make him the 47th president of the United States, but he was the 45th president, serving from 2017 to 2021. He joins Grover Cleveland as the only other president with non-consecutive terms - from 1885 to 1889 (as the 22nd president) and from 1893 to 1897 (as the 24th president).
Inauguration Traditions

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The swearing-in ceremony is the only event that, by law, must occur on Inauguration Day.
Some traditions, like giving an inaugural address, have almost always taken place. Other traditions have changed a lot over time! Let's explore the usual order of events for recent inaugurations.

Library of Congress
Procession to the Capitol
The day usually begins with a procession to the Capitol.
Historically, presidents have taken carriages (like Theodore Roosevelt in the picture here), ridden on horseback, and walked! In modern times, they travel in an automobile.
Not every inauguration has taken place at the Capitol—in fact, the first two weren't even in Washington, DC! Thomas Jefferson was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington in 1801.

Library of Congress
Swearing-In Ceremony: Vice President
The vice president-elect is sworn into office first.
Pictured here is the swearing in of Henry Wilson as vice president.
This was 1873 and Ulysses S. Grant was the president-elect for his second term.

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Swearing-In Ceremony: President
Around noon, the president-elect recites the following oath in accordance with Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

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The Inaugural Address
Every elected president has given a speech during their inauguration.
President George Washington gave the shortest inaugural address during his second inauguration in 1793 at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - only 136 words!
William Henry Harrison, the 14th president, gave the longest address - 8,445 words!

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Pass in Review & Parade
The president and his family usually attend the parade in the presidential reviewing stand in front of the White House.
Military and citizen groups, bands, and other parade features usually make their way down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Library of Congress
Inaugural Ball
An inaugural ball often takes place during the evening after the inauguration. The inaugural ball has been canceled or changed in some years for a variety of reasons, including when times were difficult.

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Thank you for joining us! We've enjoyed exploring the inauguration, history, traditions, and presidential memorials with you. We hope you had a lot of fun and learned interesting things!
The only thing left to do is to take the Junior Ranger Pledge. Are you ready?
Raise your right hand and read aloud:
"As a Junior Ranger, I promise to teach others about what I learned today, explore other parks and historic places, and help preserve and protect these places so future generations can enjoy them."
Congratulations, Junior Ranger! Scroll down for your certificate and virtual badge. You can save, print, or even set your badge as your phone or computer background!

More for Kids!
Presidential Junior Rangers Nationwide
Why stop at one? Keep learning about U.S. presidents and earning more Junior Ranger badges and cred along the way.
Presidential Junior Rangers in D.C.
Washington, D.C. is home to many of the nation's most famous presidential monuments. Come learn about them and earn more badges!
Game On
Trivia time! Test your knowledge of presidential history with games for all ages about history and places found in national parks.
Last updated: January 18, 2025