Washington's Grandest Springtime Tradition!

The blooming of the cherry trees around the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC has come to symbolize the natural beauty of our nation's capital city. The famous trees, a gift of Japan in 1912, signal Washington's beginning of spring with an explosion of life and color that surrounds the Tidal Basin in a sea of pale pink and white blossoms.

Graphic of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial with Cherry Blossoms surrounding it.
Go Virtual

Learn more about the Cherry Blossom Festival and the trees from anywhere, including your computer or phone at home.

Close-up of a cherry tree branch with clustered blooming flowers
Bloom Watch

When will the trees bloom? How do we predict the bloom? What are the stages of blooming? Find out here!

Closeup of a cherry blossom
A Field Guide to the Cherry Trees

Can't tell your Yoshinos from your Usuzumis? We've got you covered!

The Washington Monument seen from across the Tidal Basin, cherry trees in bloom
Cherry Blossom Gallery

Take a virtual stroll through a photo gallery with these images celebrating the springtime blooming of cherry trees.

Turn of the century photo of Japanese visitors at the cherry blossoms
An International Gift of Friendship

Learn how over the last 100 years the cherry blossoms have become Washington's grandest springtime tradition.

A Ranger point to a bird, child looking through binoculars.
Cherry Blossom Kids

Visit the Cherry Blossom Kids Section for Bloomin Junior Ranger activities and more games for kids.

Three people in winter work and safety gear are pruning a tree with  a long saw
Caring for Cherry Trees in DC

How do we care for cherry trees in Washington, DC? Learn from the Tree Crew and discover all the details about growing healthy cherry trees.

Last updated: February 3, 2025