Welcome, Cherry Blossom Kids!
This page is your portal to the cherry blossom festival in Washington, DC! Every year the cherry trees bloom and together we celebrate! Learn and have festival fun made just for you.
See festival art drawn by students in Japan and draw your own cherry blossom art.
Become a Bloomin’ Junior Ranger! Take a virtual walk around the Tidal Basin with a ranger and friends. Investigate the Mystery of the Broken Branch, learn all about the cherry trees, and learn how you can help protect the trees.
Looking for a homeschool or remote-friendly classroom activity? Explore the Humans, Wildlife, and Cherry Trees program. All you need is internet access and paper and pencils. Two small clear containers of dirt, some water, and a couple of twigs are highly recommended!

Join Ranger Sarah and four cherry blossom kids on a journey of imagination around the Tidal Basin learning all about cherry trees.

Learn all about flowering plants, cherry trees, and climate change. How can you protect the cherry trees? Find out here!

Sierra Moeykens, NPS Image
Text on the image reads "Junior Ranger. Color yourself as a Junior Ranger holding something cool! Add badges to the Junior Ranger Vest! Write something in the hat bands and name tag! What would you look like as a Park Ranger?"
The park ranger is standing on the left side of the image in a uniform includes a hat with a prominent flat brim. The uniform also has a button-up, short-sleeve shirt with two pockets. A ranger badge is pinned above the rightside pocket. The ranger is also wearing pants with a belt.
The Junior Ranger is standing on the right side of the image in a uniform that includes a hat with a prominent flat brim. The uniform also has a zipped vest over a short-sleeve shirt. The Junior Ranger is also wearing short and boots.
Join the Virtual Festival
Go VirtualLast updated: November 13, 2023