610 E. 111th Street Chicago, IL 60628 The Administration Clock Tower Building Visitor Center is located at the corner of 111th Street and S. Cottage Grove Avenue. The parking lot entrance on 111th Street (DO NOT drive through the historic stone worker's gate entrance). Entrance Fee-free This site is fee-free year-round. No entrance fee or pass is required. Administration Clock Tower Building Visitor CenterStart your visit at the Administration Clock Tower Building Visitor Center located at the corner of 111th street and Cottage Grove Ave. Park staff and volunteers are on-hand to answer questions and provide suggestions on how to enjoy your visit to the National Historical Park. Informational displays and artifacts available. Public WiFi is not available.
There is no public WiFi at the Pullman National Historical Park Visitor Center. Cellular data service is typically available.
The phone line is answered during operating hours. Voicemails are replied to within 24 hours. Emaill will be answered within 3-5 business days.
The National Park Service is committed to providing high-quality customer service. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Voice: 773 928-7257
Last updated: April 4, 2022