
Ranger Assisting Visitor
Great Smoky Mountains National Park employs 190 people year-round, including managers. Approximately 330 people work for the National Park Service during the peak summer season and perform a wide range of duties.

NPS/Warren Bielenberg

Great Smoky Mountains National Park preserves a vast expanse of southern Appalachian Mountains ecosystem including its scenic beauty, extraoridnary diversity of natural resources, and rich human history, and provides opportunities for the enjoyment and inspiration of present and future generations.

Enjoy Your Visit and Help Us Preserve The Smokies

You are the reason that Great Smoky Mountains National Park exists here today. With your help, we preserve, protect, and manage historical, natural, and cultural resources, and buildings and roads for you, your children, and their grandchildren. Help us by becoming familiar with some of the rules and regulations that are important to a safe and enjoyable visit.

Laws and Policies

Management Plans

Planning plays an essential role in managing the natural and cultural resources and facilities at Great Smoky Mountains. Listed below are the major planning documents pertaining to the park. Please be patient, as many of the plans are large documents that take some time to open.

All current plans and projects are listed on the Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website at Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN and Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC.

Who's Visiting?


Last updated: June 28, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

107 Park Headquarters Road
Gatlinburg, TN 37738



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