Bird Species of Concern

The Grand Canyon is not only habitat for common species, but also a key place to restore species that were almost lost. Park biologists study some of the rarest birds in the world which use the Grand Canyon as an important refuge.
  • A photo of the backside of a medium sized olive bird sitting on a branch.
    Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

    This federally threatened riparian bird utilizes habitat along the Colorado river. USDA Photo/ NRCS Colorado

  • An owl perched in leafy bush with the red wall behind it.
    Mexican Spotted Owls

    This federally threatened owls uses the the inner canyon for nesting and breeding. NPS Photo/ Adia Sovie

  • A large black bird with white under shoulder patched flying against a blue sky.
    California Condor

    One of the rarest birds in the world, the endangered California condor is also the largest bird in North America. NPS Photo

  • A bird on a branch facing the viewer with a white breast and dark plumage and a yellow billl.
    Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo

    This federally threatened cuckoo breeds along the river systems of the western United States. USFWS Photo.

  • A close up photo of the head of a bird whose beak is longer then its head.
    Yuma Clapper Rail

    This endangered rail can only be found in parts of Arizona and California along rivers and tributaries. USFWS Photo / Jim Rorabaugh


Last updated: April 17, 2019

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Grand Canyon, AZ 86023



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