Accessibility at the Preserve

Two handicapped parking spaces next to large stone barn
Accessible parking is available near the barn between two blue and white placards.

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The visitor center has accessible parking available 24 hours daily. Concrete parking is also available west of the barn until the gates lock at 4:30 p.m. These spaces next to the barn have a walkway to the historic house.

Restroom Facilities

Wheelchair accessible restrooms are available inside the visitor center. An after-hours restroom is in the Visitor Center breezeway. Accessible restrooms are also available at the historic ranch headquarters adjacent to the barn. The Bottomland Trail offers a comfort station equipped for wheelchairs.

Three visitors enjoying the waysides along the wheelchair friendly Bottomland Trail. This family gave a donation in honor of their late son, Roger Cloud, to assist with the initial development of the trail.
Three visitors enjoying the waysides along the wheelchair friendly Bottomland Trail. This family gave a donation in honor of their late son, Roger Cloud, to assist with the initial development of the trail.

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Accessible Trails

The Bottomland Trail is wheelchair friendly (except when wet) with trailhead kiosk, five interpretive waysides, wheelchair accessible comfort station, picnic area, benches, and two varying length trails of 3/4 or 1/2 mile. Accessible parking is gravel, but close to the trailhead. Trails are open 24 hours year-round. The preserve is planning to resurface the trail with concrete, making for an all weather wheelchair accessible trail.

The Fox Creek Trail is mostly level grass trails with steep creek crossings. Rain makes the terrain very difficult with thick mud.

Four visitors using the Trekker Breeze unit while feeling the topographic tactile map of the ranch headquarters area. Map is located outside the visitor center.
Four visitors testing out the accessibility Trekker Breeze units and the Braille topography tactile map, preparing for the hiking trails. Map is located outside the visitor center.

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Hiking Trails with Trekker Breeze+ Hand-held Units

All forty miles of hiking trails and the cultural ranch site are now accessible to visitors with visual impairments using the hand-held device called Trekker Breeze+.

Using GPS technology, the preserve's hiking trails and ranch site can now be enjoyed by all, opening up a new interpretive program. Different paths and courses have been created using text to voice, recorded animal sounds, bird calls, and guiding information and directions. Hear the sound made by the bison, bird calls, coyotes, and the voice of a park ranger telling about the natural and cultural resources that make up the preserve. These pieces all lend themselves to a greater understanding and appreciation for the nearly 11,000 acres of natural and cultural resources.

Come to the visitor center to check out a Trekker Breeze, returning unit by 4:00 p.m.

Let us know about your experience.

Visitor Center Building with brown grass in front and blue skies with clouds above and behind.
Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Visitor Center

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Visitor Center Accessible Exhibits

A topographical map on a pedestal is directly located outside the Visitor Center. This hands-on exhibit lets visitors feel the historic ranch buildings in relation to land topography. A seasons mural with tactile elements is available outside the visitor center. All visitor center exhibits are audio-described via a hand-held unit with headset available at the desk. View the Visitor Center page to learn more.

Audio Visual Program

A 10-minute site orientation video is open-captioned with audio-description available via headsets and/or hearing aid loop. A script is also available upon request.

Braille Park Brochure

The preserve's main brochure is available in Braille at the visitor center desk. It is also called the Black Band or Unigrid brochure.

House Accessibility

The historic house is wheelchair accessible at the front doors and on the main level via concrete sidewalk and ramp. Self-guided Tours and virtual tours are available. The visitor center has a flip book showing interior photos of the house.

Barn Accessibility

Historic barn's main floor is available via ramps. A ladder descends to the lower floor. Self-guided Tours and cell phone tours are available.

Historic One-room Schoolhouse

From May through December, the schoolhouse is open daily from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. On weekends (Saturday and Sunday) in May, June, September, and October the Lower Fox Creek Schoolhouse is staffed with volunteers from noon until 4 p.m. to assist with your experience. The schoolhouse is accessible via removable ramps. Please call ahead for assistance. Self-guided Tours and cell phone tours are available.

Visitors using a trekker breeze unit to experience the hiking trails.
Visitors using a trekker breeze unit to experience the hiking trails.

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Accessible Recreation Opportunities in Kansas

More places in Kansas offer accessible paths, trails, and many other experiences. Learn what is available in all 105 Kansas counties. Website is maintained by the University of Kansas, Institute for Health and Disability Policy Studies. Visit back often, as the list continues to grow.

Last updated: July 30, 2024

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2480B KS Hwy 177
Strong City, KS 66869


620 273-8494 x270

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