Chapter 6
Section G.2.a.
Develop a planning process that…
Project schedule. Outline major project tasks, who is responsible for each, and when they need to be completed.
Public Engagement Strategy. A detailed plan to identify and engage professionals, cultural groups, and the public in the planning process. The goal is to hear from as many different voices as possible. (More below)
Chapter 6
Section G.2.b.
The planning process will illuminate a shared vision
for the territory or nation’s heritage.
The analysis of resource information and feedback from stakeholders and the public will frame planning goals and
strategies for the coming years.
Communicate the project purpose. With the public, professionals, and stakeholders, always make clear that this is not an office management plan for the HPO office. The plan will address issues and situations beyond the HPO office.
- Public meeting announcements, press releases, meeting handouts, presentations, analyses of results.
- Stakeholder meeting agendas, attendee lists, notes of meeting discussions.
- Draft Plan emphasizes preservation activities and entities throughout the territory or country; it does not focus only on the HPO office’s activities.
Chapter 6
Section G.2.b.1.
The final plan should be a single, concise
document (an online pdf is ok if copies can be made and distributed to those without internet access).
The final plan should be widely distributed, especially back to those who participated in the planning process.
If seeking official NPS approval, email the draft plan to us for review and comment. We will respond within 45 days.
Chapter 6
Section G.2.b.2
Actively involve a wide range of public, private, and professional organizations. It is not sufficient to consult only with preservation professionals and local preservation organizations.
You will want to be able to demonstrate that your public process was strong.
Scope out your public engagement strategy. Plan for multiple opportunities for participation, notes the type of technique to be used (e.g., meeting, workshop, questionnaire, draft plan review, etc.), schedules, locations, co-sponsors, and why (purpose) you are choosing each participation event.
We recommend you hold on to the following types of documentation; they will come in handy when you write up the draft plan.
Chapter 6 Section G.2.b.3.
Address the full range of historic and cultural resources = buildings, structures, underwater and terrestrial sites, objects, districts. Tie in cultural practices, too, if you like.
Consider the arc of time and history, from the prehistoric to the late 20th century.
Use resource information that is accurate and up-to-date, to the extent possible.
In the plan itself, describe how you gathered and analyzed information about cultural resources.
List your sources in the plan’s bibliography.
Useful Sources of Resource Data
Chapter 6 Section G.2.a.
Identify major issues affecting the full range of historic and cultural resources AND identify challenges and opportunities in current preservation practice.
In the plan itself, describe how you identified and analyzed these issues. Useful Planning Methods
Chapter 6 Section G.2.b.4.
Include the following elements in your plan:
Draft the plan document! Get feedback from your stakeholders and NPS before you finalize it.
Chapter 6 Section G.2.c.1.
If you would like to get official NPS approval of your plan, send the final draft to us.
Email the final draft of your plan to NPS with a cover letter asking for “formal review and approval by NPS.” NPS will respond with comments and/or approval within 45 calendar days.
Chapter 6 Section G.2.c.6.
Send two paper copies OR one digital version of the final plan to NPS. Distribute the final plan widely to everyone who engaged with you in the planning process.
Printing & distribution (including 2 copies to NPS) must be completed in current or next fiscal year.
Chapter 6 Section G.2.f.
Use HPF funds to develop and implement the plan.
Make sure future preservation projects feed into the planning objectives! Cross-reference projects with planning objectives in your annual HPF grant application and End of Year Report.