Statue Statistics

Location Imperial Metric
Top of base to torch 151'1" 46.05m
Ground to tip of torch 305'1" 92.99m
Heel to top of head 111'1" 33.86m
Length of hand 16'5" 5.00m
Index finger 8'0" 2.44m
Head - Chin to cranium 17'3" 5.26m
Width of head 10'0" 3.05m
Width of eye 2'6" 0.76m
Length of nose 4'6" 1.37m
Length of right arm 42'0" 12.80m
Width of right arm 12'0" 3.66m
Width of waist 35'0" 10.67m
Width of mouth . 3'0" 0.91m
Length of tablet 23'7" 7.19m
Width of tablet 13'7" 4.14m
Thickness of tablet 2'0" 0.61m
Ground to pedestal 154'0" 46.94m

Weight of copper: 176,000 lbs.

Weight of framework: 440,000 lbs.

Weight of concrete foundation: 54,000,000 lbs.

Thickness of copper sheeting: 3/32 of an inch, the thickness of two pennies placed together.

Wind Sway: The statue can sway up to 3 inches and the torch up to 6 inches.

Direction: The statue faces southeast in symmetry with the placement of Fort Wood and how people would see the statue while entering the harbor.

Crown: 25 windows and seven rays make up the crown.

Chains: Chains and a broken shackle are at the statue's feet and cannot be seen from below.

The Tablet: Reads in Roman numerals "July 4, 1776" -- the date of American Independence. (JULY IV MDCCLXXVI)

The Torch: The current torch was a replacement of the original and installed in 1986. At that time, the original torch was moved to the pedestal lobby and in 2018, it was relocated to the "Torch Gallery" in the Statue of Liberty Museum. The 1986 version is copper, covered in 24k. gold leaf. Sunlight reflects off the gold during the daytime and floodlights light the torch by reflection at night.

Height of Statue of Liberty
Height of Statue of Liberty

NPS - Gateway Arch National Park

Last updated: December 30, 2024

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