Reporting Forms

General Information

Reporting Forms

Payment Information

The National Park Service (NPS) has moved to a new business and accounting system called the Financial and Business Management System (FBMS). FBMS uses an electronic payment system called the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP), which you will now use to draw down your grant funds after the NPS Grant Program Manager has approved your request for reimbursement.

All current NPS grantees should have received an email from the Department of the Interior containing forms to register with ASAP. If you are an existing NPS grantee and did not receive prior ASAP registration instructions, please complete and send the registration form to

If you are already registered in ASAP for other federal grants, you must make sure your ASAP account includes the National Park Service. Do this by completing the ASAP enrollment form and returning it to

All grant recipients MUST register in the System for Award Management (SAM) in order to receive payment through ASAP. Register now at (SAM replaces the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) system).

*IMPORTANT: The new financial systems do not affect the terms and conditions of your Japanese American Confinement Sites Program grant agreement. The grant agreement, which is signed by the NPS and the grantee, is a binding legal document, and grantees must continue to comply with all grant terms and conditions.

Reimbursement Requests

To request reimbursement, all grantees are required to submit documentation listed in the newly revised “Request for Reimbursement Checklist” to the NPS Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program Manager for review and approval PRIOR to drawing down funds via ASAP.

*Please note, the SF-270 Request for Reimbursement Form is no longer required with the request for reimbursement submittal. However, if the form assists you in maintaining accurate financial records, you may include it with your request for reimbursement package.

After receiving approval for a reimbursement request by the NPS Grant Program Manager, the grantee will be able to submit a payment request via ASAP. Payments will be made by electronic funds transfer directly into the grantee’s banking account as registered in SAM.

Please make sure that your ASAP payment request is ONLY for the reimbursement request amount that has been approved by the NPS Grant Program Manager. Any unauthorized drawdown of grant funds will require a return of funds to the NPS.

Reimbursement Request Forms:

In-kind Match Valuation Forms:

Grant Project Publicity & Program Acknowledgement Requirements

Press releases about projects must acknowledge the grant assistance provided by the NPS and copies of press releases must be provided to the NPS. As stipulated in 36 CFR Part 800, public views and comments regarding all Federally funded undertakings on historic properties must be sought and considered by the authorizing Federal agency. Therefore, the grantee is required to send a press release regarding the undertaking under this grant to one or more of the major newspapers or news sources that cover the area affected by the project within 30 days of receiving the signed grant agreement. A copy of the posted release must be submitted to NPS within 30 days of the posting.

The grantee must also send notice of any public ceremonies planned to publicize the project or its results in a timely enough manner so that NPS, Department of the Interior, Congressional or other Federal officials can attend if desired

Last updated: August 25, 2022