News of Note:
December 1, 2008
Updated . 54495 is back transmitting, and remains in the Harpers Ferry, WV area. Looks like 54496 is heading to the Gulf of Mexico to join 41300.
November 17, 2008
Updated . One falcon (54496) is still in southern WV; one (41300) is down in Mobile, AL; while one (54495) has stopped transmitting. 54495 was the falcon from the Harpers Ferry, WV area, and had backpack/transmitter problems in the past, but with any luck will begin transmitting again.
September 5, 2008
The Falcon Cam is offline for the season. All the birds have "flown the coop." Check back next spring to see if we have another group of falcons to observe.
Updated .
Uploaded the .
August 8, 2008
Updated the satellite tracking map. 41300 is still in the Portsmouth, OH area, 54495 is hanging in Harpers Ferry, while 54496 (the Lexington bird) has moved east through the gorge and last transmitted (yesterday) from Summersville Lake.
July 31, 2008
Feeding has been stopped, with scaled down monitoring continueing at the hack site. The birds are now out on their own... hopefully to return next spring.
Updated satellite tracking map. One bird remains east of Lexington, KY. One is just outside West Portsmouth, OH. An our "Harpers Ferry" bird is back in the Charles Town / Harpers Ferry, WV area.
June 30, 2008
Monitoring and feeding of this year's release continues, with many of the birds spending more time "on their own" and only coming in occasionally to feed.
Updated satellite tracking map.
June 9, 2008
All of the remaining birds were released from the hackboxes. This makes twenty-one falcons "out of the box" and flying the New River Gorge. The birds will continue to be fed and monitored for the next six weeks, with the feeding being gradually decreased to encourage the falcons to hunt on their own.
2008 Peregrine Falcon Reintroduction Program
2008 marks the third year of the peregrine falcon reintroduction program at New River Gorge National River. This program has been very notable in a number of different areas: it has successfully hacked over thirty juvenile peregrine falcons; it has provided valuable information on the behavior of the falcons after hacking; and it has been a very educational (and popular) program for bird enthusiasts and the general public.
Press Release - Peregrine Reintroduction Begins Third Year
Press Release - 2008 Peregrine Monitoring Begins