Initial point marker commemorating the establishment
of the boundary between Arkansas Territory and Indian Country
Fort Smith National Historic Site, FOSM 2835
Made by George Washington Carver
Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, TUIN 147
Jefferson Peace Medals Jefferson National Expansion, JEFF 8282
Memorial Memorial
The Robert Gould Shaw Memorial
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site, SAGA 7492
Mess Kit and Field Desk
General Robert E. Lee's mess kit and field desk Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial,
ARHO 2299; 2234-2237
George Washington Carver's microscope
Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, TUIN 1557
Mesa Verde black-on-white mug from Mug House
Mesa Verde National Park, MEVE 19692
Music Box
Frederick Douglass NHS, FRDO 161