2010 Artist-in-Residence

2010 Artist-in-Residence, George Desort

George Desort participated in the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Artist-in-Residence program during the fall of 2010. His work has appeared in audobon, National Geographic, Backpacker, The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and PBS affiliates across the country. Fortunate Wilderness and moose study of Isle Royale was his first feature film and a finalist at the 2009 International Wildlife Film Festival.


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A video by 2010 Artist-in-Residence George Desort.




Black screen text appears.

The Indiana Dunes National Park.

Grains of sand begin to vibrate and move from the wind.

Closeup of sand grains blowing from left to right.

Time lapsed gray clouds pass over a forested dune while blades of grass shake in the breeze.

Two turkey vultures fly above the crest of a dune.

Six turkey vultures navigate the breeze against a backdrop of blue sky with white clouds.

A wood frog sits among leaf litter.

A great egret stealthily walks through a wetland, taking a few strikes into the mud as it looks for prey.

A sandhill crane walks in a wetland with egrets and ducks.

Six great egrets stand together in a wetland.

Time lapsed white clouds pass over a sandy dune against a blue sky.

Over a dozen great egrets take flight in a wetland.

A great egret stalks for prey in a wetland near a duck.

A great blue heron, great egret and sandhill cranes stand in a wetland.

Time lapsed white clouds roll past a blue sky.

Brown stinkbug on a leaf.

A paper wasp visiting the flowers of goldenrod.

A European honeybee visits an Esther flower with pink petals.

A great blue heron walks through a wetland, stalking prey and swaying its body from left to right.

It rapidly lunges its neck and beak into the mud.

A sandhill cranes stands in a wetland, picking at floating vegetation and preening some of its feathers.

A northern crescent butterfly visits the yellow center of an aster flower with pink petals.

A great egret lands in a wetland next to a handful of more egrets.

One flies away.

A red dragonfly sits on a small branch.

A sandhill crane jumps up and down as it dances in a wetland beside another crane, and three Canada geese.

A great egret is perched in a tree.

Time lapse of an overcast sky.

Behind a bare tree line.

Splashes of pink and orange appear as the sky darkens.

Fade to black.

Text appears.

Artist-in-Residence George Desort, 2010.

Special thanks to Indiana Dunes National Park and Jeff Manuszak, Visual Information Specialist.

Fade to black.


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4 minutes, 4 seconds

A video by 2010 Artist-in-Residence George Desort.

2010 Artist in Residence Victor Pytko standing next to 4 of the 6 paintings completed during his residency
2010 Artist in Residence Victor Pytko standing next to 4 of the 6 paintings completed during his residency

2010 Artist-in-Residence, Victor Pytko

Victor Pytko is a "plein aire" painter out of Birmingham, Michigan. During his residency Victor explored the lakeshore in hopes of gaining a better understanding of the dunes. It was through these jaunts that he was made aware of the constant changes taking place within the Lakeshore.

Victor's idea that man can separate from Nature and manage her, arose after a first-day visit to West Beach and after walks along Lake Front Drive where old cottages are being removed and new are being built. He attempted to incorporate into his paintings Nature's indomitable will to change and man's attempts to stem her advance.

During his time with the park Victor completed six landscapes and took many photographs to serve as resource material. He also made several time-lapse movies of the spectacular sunsets, using hundreds of still shots that compress to just a few seconds of screen time. In the painting he donated to the park, it shows park employees pulling invasive plants from a marsh at West Beach. Victor believes it sums up his experience at the dunes.

Last updated: September 9, 2020

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