Water, plant communities, birds, and amphibians – these are “vital signs” that help indicate the health of park ecosystems. Our scientists look at what key resources are present in the park, if they are stable or changing, and how ecosystems are changing over time. The information we collect can help park managers make sound, science-based decisions about the future. (Learn more about how we manage this irreplaceable ecological data.)
Vital Signs
Air Quality
Air quality affects views and natural resources like lakes, streams, plants, and wildlife.
Amphibians react strongly to human disturbance, showing land and water condition.
We monitor bird community composition and abundance in 11 parks.
Forest Vegetation
The Eastern Deciduous Forest makes up two-thirds of NCRN park land and is crucial wildlife habitat.
Invasive Plants
Invasive plants can spread rapidly, displace native plants, and alter ecological processes.
Forest Pests
Insect pests and pathogens can damage plants and change natural forest communities.
Changes in nearby landcover and land use affect park natural resources.
Stream Biota
Fish and aquatic macroinvertebrates are sensitive to changes in water quality, making them good indicators of aquatic ecosystems.
Stream Water Quality
Information on water quality and nutrient levels in streams helps park managers manage potential impacts.
Weather & Climate
Weather and climate affect short-term and long-term changes in ecological systems.
Last updated: December 2, 2024