Inventory & Monitoring at George Washington Carver National Monument

Statue of young George Washington Carver
Statue of a young boy looking through the forest at George Washington Carver National Monument.


George Washington Carver National Monument, established in 1943, is located in the southwest corner of Missouri and encompasses the original 240-acre Moses Carver farm. The park is predominantly a cultural site commemorating George Washington Carver's life, but natural resources contribute to interpretation of Carver's childhood.

The park lies in the gently rolling landscape of the Springfield Plateau. Elevation ranges from 1040 feet to 1080 feet. The topography is dissected by stream channels that carry water from natural springs. Three small streams, Carver Creek, Williams Branch, and Harkins Branch, occur in the park. GWCA also has two springs of historical and natural significance.

Herpetofauna inventories at GWCA identified three salamander, ten frogs and toads, six turtle, six lizard, and 12 snake species present. Forty-nine bird species were identified in breeding bird surveys, six of which are species of continental importance. Twenty-six fish species have been identified.

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    Source: Data Store Saved Search 3507 (results presented are a subset). To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.

    Source: Data Store Collection 4260 (results presented are a subset). To search for additional information, visit the Data Store.

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    Last updated: October 15, 2018