Past Residencies - Dr. Adeene Denton

A woman with a yellow jacket and blue backpacking pack smiles in front of colorful canyon walls and cliffs of the Grand Canyon.
Dr. Adeene Denton is a geologist and planetary scientist interested in giant impacts and their influence on the history, evolution and tectonic activity of icy satellites, ocean worlds, and Kuiper Belt Objects. Adeene is trained as a scientist, historian, and dancer, which informs her scientific and artistic research process. She is an avid astrohumanist focused on approaching future planetary exploration from a scientific and humanistic perspective.

During her residency, Adeene focused on providing public programs about her research from the South Rim to Phantom Ranch, including subjects like "Canyons Across the Solar System," "Investigating an Ice Giant," and "The Geology of Star Wars Planets." She capped her residency with a modern dance performance, which explored the connections between the geology of the Grand Canyon, canyons found on Mars, and how humans are driven to explore both.

Dr. Adeene Denton was Grand Canyon's ninth Astronomer in Residence.
A woman in a blue shirt sits on a wood table under a sycamore tree in the winter. Dozens of people sit in front of her on benches, as she gives a talk.
Dr. Denton providing an astro-geology talk at the bottom of the Grand Canyon at the historic Phantom Ranch.

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Residency Accomplishments

  • Provided 9 public programs to over 1,000 visitors.
  • Provided 2 Astronomy on Tap Programs and 2 astro-geology talks at Phantom Ranch.
  • Special guest speaker at the I HEART Pluto Festival in Flagstaff, Arizona.
  • Provided a special talk for the students at Grand Canyon School.
  • Presented a capstone dance at the Shrine of the Ages Auditorium for two evenings. The dance focused on the geology of Grand Canyon, canyons on Mars, and human beings' drive to explore both worlds.
  • Starred in a Minute Out In It about her residency.
A woman stands in front of crowd of visitors in a theater.
Dr. Denton providing a talk at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center theater, titled, "Canyons Across the Solar System."

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A room full of people listen to a presentation in an historic cantina.
Dr. Denton provided two evenings of "Astronomy on Tap" in the cantina at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, at the historic Phantom Ranch.

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A woman dances under spotlight in front of silhouetted visitors.
Dr. Denton performing her capstone dance, "Chasing Canyons," to a full theater of visitors. Her dance focused on the geology of Grand Canyon, the canyons on Mars, and our drive to explore both worlds.

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Last updated: May 14, 2024

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