Private Boating in Glacier Bay

Many boats moored in bartlett cove, coniferous trees line the shoreline
Private boats moored in Bartlett Cove

Photo © Sean Neilson 2013


Glacier Bay is a popular destination for private boaters in the summer. From June 1 through August 31 private boaters are required to obtain a permit to enter park waters north of Point Gustavus and Point Carolus (find maps and charts here). Twenty-five permits are available per day with fifteen (15) as advance-notice permits and ten (10) as short-notice permits. This balances the protection of park resources with providing a range of rewarding experiential opportunities for visitors, consistent with Glacier Bay National Park’s purpose and values.

For the 2025 permit season, some aspects of the current private vessel permitting system will change as detailed in a 2023 Marine Management Plan. Stay tuned as we work out implementation procedures and note that some mid-season adjustments may be required. These changes are intended to create opportunities for more people to enjoy Glacier Bay and reduce barriers to equal access without exceeding the seasonal private vessel daily quotas.

**ALERT: 2025 Season Changes**

Permits will be issued to a vessel, not a person, and will be non-transferable between vessels. At any one time, a private vessel may hold up to two permits, only one of which may be an advance-notice permit. A private vessel may not hold permits for more than fourteen (14) days in any twenty-one (21) day period.

Permit Lottery

The park will pilot a new lottery system to issue private boater permits, changing both when and how private boater permits are issued. Please consult the table below, read our FAQs, and contact the Visitor Information Station with any questions.

When to Apply:


Lottery Opens 00:01 am Alaska time

Lottery Closes 11:59 pm Alaska time

Permit Issued

First Lottery

January 1

January 31

By February 15

Second Lottery

April 30

May 1

By May 15

Remaining Permits

(if available)

After the second lottery, any remaining advance-notice permits will be issued on a first come, first served basis until 3 days before an entry date, at which time unused advance-notice permits will be incorporated into the short-notice lottery pool.


Lottery Opens 00:01 am Alaska time

Lottery Closes 10:00 am Alaska time

Permit Issued

Rolling Lottery

3 calendar days prior to desired entry date

3 calendar days prior to desired entry date

By noon, 3 calendar days prior to entry date

Remaining Permits

(if available)

After each lottery, any remaining short-notice permits will be issued on a first come, first served basis.

How to Apply

A permit to enter Glacier Bay is required from June 1st-August 31st only.

Download and fill all the fields in the Private Boater Permit application below. If all the fields are not completed, your application may be disqualified. Typed signatures are acceptable but note that your in-person signature acknowledging private vessel permit conditions will be required once annually when you complete your Boater Orientation at the Visitor Information Station.

Email your completed permit to ( anytime during the open lottery window.

Thumbnail image of the front page of the 2025 private boater permit- text on this tiny image is illegible.

2025 Glacier Bay Private Boater Permit Download

Click here to download the 2025 Glacier Bay Private Boater Permit (1.25 MB PDF file). Please do not submit without signing at the bottom of page 1 of the permit. Submit your completed application to

When Will I Hear Back?

Applicants will be notified and permits will be issued after the lottery (see table above).

If your vessel is issued a permit, will send you an email with the following information:

  • Your permit number

  • The date range permitted

  • Permit confirmation instructions

  • Communications required upon arrival

  • Annual Boater Orientation and in-person signature requirements

If your date range choices are unavailable and your vessel is not issued a permit, will send you an email with information about applying again in the next open lottery.


After You Get a Permit

  • Save the email confirmation with your permit number and read all of the conditions and information provided.

  • Mark a reminder on your calendar to confirm your permit with the Visitor Information Station any time before 5:00pm AK time the day before the start of the permit. Permits not confirmed will be cancelled and made available for reissue.

  • Plan to attend a Boater Orientation at the Visitor Information Station immediately after arriving in Bartlett Cove at the beginning of your first trip of the season. You will be required to provide an in-person signature on a noncommercial use affidavit and to acknowledge private vessel permit conditions.

  • If you are local, consider completing your annual Boater Orientation at the Visitor Information Station early in the season. Orientations will be offered beginning May 1st.

Logistics and Other Information

Glacier Bay and the surrounding area has limited cell phone coverage. Please plan ahead to contact the Visitor Information Station with your arrival confirmation.

Please refer to our list of authorized concessionaires as an alternative to operating your own vessel in Glacier Bay.

Conditional Transit Permit

For private boaters who want to transit directly between Bartlett Cove and Icy Strait between June 1st and August 31st, a Conditional Transit Permit may be requested when the vessel is ready to transit. This permit may not be reserved in advance. Availability is not guaranteed and depends on availability within the daily private vessel quota and seasonal-use day quota.
Permit limitations include:

• Only available during Visitor Information Station operating hours to vessels ready to transit

• Only one way per day per vessel

• Only one Conditional Transit Permit in use at any one time

• Only owner-occupied private vessels for recreational purposes

To check availability, you can request a transit permit when you are 30 minutes or less travel time away from the park boundary by contacting the Visitor Information Station by marine band radio (KWM20 Bartlett Cove), by telephone (907-697-2627), or in person at the Visitor Information Station at Bartlett Cove.


Who is able to submit a lottery application if the vessel has more than one owner or operator and the lottery only accepts one application per vessel?
  • If more than one application is submitted to the same lottery for the same vessel, only the application with the earliest date/time stamp will be entered in the lottery.
When do I need a permit to bring my private vessel into Glacier Bay?
  • June 1st-August 31st.
Where do I need a private boater permit in the park?
  • Entering Glacier Bay across the imaginary line between Point Gustavus and Point Carolus.
  • Entering Glacier Bay from Bartlett Cove past the imaginary line extending from the fuel dock across to Lester Island.
  • Find maps on this page.
If I come into Bartlett Cove on a Conditional Transit Permit, can I leave the park (go back out to Icy Strait) on the same day?
  • The Conditional Transit Permit can only be used one way per vessel per day. To leave the park on the same day, you would need to have a regular private vessel permit (short-notice or advance-notice). If one was not available, you would need to wait until the next day to request a Conditional Transit Permit to leave the park.

Contacting the Visitor Information Station

To submit completed applications, or to request additional information, contact the Visitor Information Station by email, phone, VHF radio, or USPS mail.

Phone: (907) 697-2627
VHF marine radio: KWM20 BARTLETT COVE on channel 12 or 16
Mailing address:
Visitor Information Station
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
PO Box 140
Gustavus, AK 99826

Find current operating hours on the park's Basic Information page. Phone and email lines are monitored year-round.

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Last updated: February 13, 2025

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Mailing Address:

Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
PO Box 140

Gustavus, AK 99826


907 697-2230

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