Growling and grunting sea lions with the occasional spurt of seawater breath. A single sea lion groans in long vowel-heavy repetition. A chorus of sea lions joins, grunting and roaring with gutteral tones. Seabirds cry out and large groups, these are mostly glaucous winged gulls, with black legged kittiwakes also audible.
North Marble Island
Pigeon guillemots whistling, whales breathing, and gulls calling along the remote shoreline of North Marble Isle.
Pigeon guillemots' whistling cries follow a low-high-low pattern as they emit a quick, high pitched whistle, starting at a low tone, reaching high, and then trailing back to a low pitched. Herring gulls and glaucous-winged gulls cry out. An american crow is heard cawing overhhead. A song sparrow sings out in the distance. Calm water motion is present in quite moments.
Shoreline Rhapsody
Bonaparte's gulls wheel above while harbor porpoise, sea lions, and marbled murrelets cruise by the rocky shore.
Water splashes and gently laps onto a beach. Birds cry and sing throughout the recording. The occasional splash marks a bird diving into the water for food. Bonaparte's gulls cry out. Breaths breaks the water surface, likely from harbor porpoise, seals, or sea lions. Later in the video, repeated high pitched calls from the marbeled murrelet cry out in repetition.
Last updated: August 11, 2016
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