Unexploded Ordnance Safety

Unexploded ordnance found at Sandy Hook
Unexploded ordnance found at Sandy Hook

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Military munitions that were used, but failed to function, are called unexploded ordnance, or UXO. UXO have been found throughout Gateway National Recreation Area, most recently at Fort Tilden and Fort Hancock. UXO come in many shapes and sizes. They can look like a pointed pipe, a soda can, or a muffler. They can look old or new; be alone or in groups; and be visible or buried under the surface. UXO should always be considered extremely dangerous. If you find a UXO please learn and follow the 3Rs of explosives safety.

  • Recognize- when you may have found a possible UXO and the potential danger;

  • Retreat – do not touch, move or disturb it;

  • Report – notify law enforcement of what you saw and when you saw it.

UXO found at Gateway should be reported to 718-354-4700. Please let the dispatcher know if you are calling about Sandy Hook or NY (Fort Tilden or Riis Beach). For more information visit the UXO Safety Education Website at: www.denixosd.mil/home/.

Last updated: August 9, 2023

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