In this edition of Plant Chats With Val, we learn about the changing autumn leaves. What causes them to change colors?
Japanese Knotweed, considered the scourge of gardens, is a highly invasive perennial shrub that is now classified as a noxious weed.
White Snakeroot, Ageratina altissima, is a poisonous herb that can grow over 4 feet tall and is native to the eastern and central US.
Val teaches us about Virginia Creeper and how to distinguish Virginia Creeper from Poison Ivy, which are often confused for one another.
Today, Val shares some fun facts about Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica), including its uses during medieval times.
This fascinating family includes everything from delicious potatoes and tomatoes to poisonous bittersweet nightshade and deadly nightshade.
Learn about the majestic Eastern Hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, which is the centerpiece of the carriage turn and the first thing guests may no
Val is chatting with us about the Spotted Bellflower, Campanula punctata, a delicate white flower with a pink or purple spotted interior.
Dogwoods flower in pink or white and are known for their distinctive bark.
The tree was a gift from Charles Sprague Sargent, nearby neighbor, friend, and collaborator of Olmsted's.
It lives near the entrance to the historic Olmsted firm's offices and sometimes rains hickory nuts upon unsuspecting visitors.
As our thoughts turn to fall and apple picking season is soon upon us, here is some food for thought.
Here she teaches us about the history of the Olmsted Elm (an American Elm, Ulmus americana) as well as the Jefferson Elm.
Last updated: February 29, 2024
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