You are here: Administrators Reference > Server and Customer Administration > Server Administration Left Panel > Utilities > Server Scheduled Jobs > Scheduled Job Properties > Scheduled Job Properties Post Social Media Content

Scheduled Job Properties - Post Social Media Content

Clicking the edit icon for this job in Site Scheduled Jobs or clicking Next in the process of adding a new Post Social Media job displays job properties.

This job ships as a site-level utility, as shown here, and is required for processing posts to Social Media sites through CommonSpot. Create a service-specific scheduled job for each Social Media platform used at your site.

The Properties list requires the Channel ID and Content ID defined for the social media service.

Use this dialog to view, add, or change job name, channel IDs or to specify fields that URL shortening should be applied to, if this service is enabled at your site. See URL Shorteners.

Name: The display name of the scheduled job. Accept or change the default. For example, enter Post Facebook Content

Server: The server running the scheduled job. Note that this option only shows a selection list when running under a Shared Database configuration; otherwise, the current server is automatically pre-selected and displayed. You must separately add server-level jobs on replication targets.

Properties: This job takes arguments for social media channel IDs. These are unique to each service used. See Social Media Services.

Click Next to keep your changes and assign a schedule to this job, or Cancel to exit.

Return to Site Scheduled Jobs to run the job with your changes.


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