The main visitor parking area includes a large area specifically marked for parking large RVs, busses, and vehicles towing trailers. The parking area is large and generally provides sufficient maneuvering space for even large motorhomes and towed vehicles without disconnecting. There is NO overnight parking within the park boundaries. top »
Can I use my cell phone in the park?
Cell phone service is available in the park, but do not depend on it. Signal availability and strength varies depending on your service provider. top »
Are pets allowed in the park?
Well behaved pets are allowed in outdoor areas provided they are restrained by a leash and are in the control of an adult. Leashes must be six feet in length or less. When you bring your pet to the park be aware of your surroundings. Respect the rights of others who may have a fear of your pet, even a friendly one. Remember that your pet may be more susceptible to heat stress than you since its body mass is closer to the hot ground surface. top »
How far is it to…?
Albuquerque, NM435
Augusta, ME2,820
Bismarck, ND1,590
Boston, MA2,670
Cheyenne, WY980
Chicago, IL1,770
Cleveland, OH2,030
Dallas, TX1,020
Denver, CO875
El Paso, TX385
Helena, MT1,240
Las Vegas, NV350
Lincoln, NE1,365
Los Angeles, CA430
Madison, WI1,835
Miami, FL2,320
Nashville, TN1,650
New Orleans, LA 1,480
Phoenix, AZ55
Pittsburgh, PA2,074
Portland, OR1,390
San Diego, CA370
San Francisco, CA805
Savannah, GA2,050
Seattle, WA1,560
Topeka, KS1,270
Tucson, AZ70
Note: Distances are in miles via the most direct route
How many people visit Casa Grande Ruins each year?
Our “busy-season” begins in mid-November and extends through early-May. Annual visitation statistics for the the past ten years:
2007 – 76,854
2006 – 88,295
2005 – 97,214
2004 – 93,933
2003 – 87,687
2002 – 85,375
2001 – 132,630
2000 – 124,130
1999 – 151,195
1998 – 150,715
1997 – 157,447
For further statistical information, please visit NPS Stats.
When did the Federal Government begin protecting Casa Grande Ruins?
Casa Grande Ruin Reservation was created on June 22, 1892 by order of President Benjamin Harrison and was in fact, the first prehistoric and cultural site to be established in the United States. In 1918 President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it to be Casa Grande National Monument. Subsequent congressional acts in 1926 and 1930 called it Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and the National Park Service Chief Historian recommended on December 17, 1991 that it be formally recognized as Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. top »
How large is Casa Grande Ruins National Monument?
President Wilson’s initial proclamation set aside 480 acres to be protected. An act in 1926 reduced that area to 472.5 acres. top »
What’s the normal seasonal rainfall at Casa Grande Ruins?
The average annual rainfall at Casa Grande Ruins is 8 to 10 inches. Roughly half falls during the winter months, the other half during the thunderstorm season in July and August. top »
What are the seasonal temperature ranges at Casa Grande Ruins?
This is desert country. Summer daytime temperatures frequently exceed 100 degrees. Winter temperatures range from the 60's to the 80's. Spring and fall are warm and dry, with highs in the 80's and 90's. During summer months, be prepared for hot temperatures. Protective clothing, hats, sunscreen and personal water containers are highly recommended. top »
Are guided tours available?
Casa Grande Ruins staff and volunteers provide several scheduled interpretive tours each day starting in November and extending through April. Tours are conducted outdoors on level ground along a 500 yard, wheelchair accessible path and take about 30 minutes.
Visitors are also welcome to take self-guided tours during normal operating hours. Interpretive wayside signs are distributed throughout the visitor area and provide a good overview of the prehistoric Casa Grande community and its original inhabitants. top »
The original shelter roof was constructed in 1903 of redwood timbers and corrugated iron and by the mid-1920s it had begun to deteriorate. Although Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. designed a new roof in 1928, funding for the project was not appropriated until 1932. Construction of the new roof was completed on December 12, 1932. Its final cost was $27,724.12, which included $4,000 for engineering and design costs. top »
Jim Creager Photo
How old are the saguaro cacti in the park?
Saguaro (pronounced sah-war-oh) cacti, Carnegiea gigantea, only grow in the Sonoran Desert and are the largest cacti in the U.S. Growth rates vary depending on climate, precipitation, and location. The first branches or “arms” begin to appear when the plant is 50 to 70 years old. The saguaro grows slowly and a 10-year old plant may be less than 2-inches tall. A mature adult saguaro may be as tall as 40-50 feet, may weigh 6 tons or more, and is generally considered to be about 125 years old. The average life span of a saguaro is about 150 years. top »
Last updated: May 25, 2023
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Contact Info
Mailing Address:
1100 W. Ruins Drive
520 723-3172
General park contact number includes a phone tree for finding the employee you wish to contact. Callers may dial zero for the phone attendant. Voicemail is available for many of the extensions.