Why does the park charge a fee for a CUA?
National Park Service Policy requires the Superintendent to charge a reasonable fee for CUAs. The park retains such fees to help pay for the cost of the CUA program.
CUA application fees stay within the park and are used to recover the administrative costs of receiving, reviewing, and processing CUA applications and required reports.
CUA management fees stay within the park and are used to recover day-to-day management, monitoring, and training costs and to fund visitor experience improvement projects.
How long does it take to obtain a CUA?
You should anticipate that you will receive the issuance of a General CUA within two weeks of the CUA authorized start date (dependent upon time of application submission). A minimum of thirty (30) business days is required for issuance of a CUA. Delays will occur if application materials are not submitted accurately or completely, or if authorizations needing operator signature are not returned promptly. All required documentation must be received by before the CUA will be issued.