
Prince/Gale Camp

flat log cabin with picture window in center
The Gale Cottage, as photographed in the 1950s.

National Visual Inventory Cards 50-1116


In 1932, Alfreda Prince Gale was invited to visit Isle Royale by her good friend, Gertrude Barrows How. They had been in grade school together in St. Louis, MO. The next year, Alfreda brought her two sons, John and Phil, up to the Island and spent it with the How family and at Musselman's Island. There were 23 families in Tobin Harbor at this time.

Alfreda was so enamored with Isle Royale that she invited her father, Alfred Prince, to visit with her and the boys the following year (1934). In 1935, Alfred Prince bought Gale Island, formerly Chicken Island, from the Bandettini Family (~2.5 acres) for his daughter, Alfreda, and grandsons, John and Phil. Alfred was aware of 1931 Park enabling legislation and knew that any purchase would immediately result in subsequent sale to the federal government. Recognizing the opportunity to occupy land within a National Park, Prince researched properties that might be available for purchase before sale to government and ultimately settled on the Bandettini location. After purchasing the property Alfred worked quickly to construct Gale Island cabins and structures as life-leases were only offered for locations with improvements. The Gale Camp was constructed in 1937 and then sold to the government in 1938.

The Gale Family consisted of Alfreda (Mother Gale), her sons, John and Phil, and their children and grandchildren. Alfreda was a single mother when she came to Isle Royale. Her two sons John and Phil, who were about 14 years and 12 years old, respectively, came to Isle Royale in 1933. The life lease for Gale Island was given to John and Phil.

John ended up going to Michigan School of Mines (Michigan Tech) and received his electrical engineering degree from there. He was married to Kay and had three children, Jack, Langdon & Miles (twins). Phil was a psychiatrist and later in life practiced in Houghton, MI. He was married to Penelope and had four children, Don, Chris, Steve, and Tom.


All Gale life leases have expired. Since 2010, family descendants have been maintaining the Gale Camp and related buildings under an annual Volunteer-In-Parks permit. The Gale Camp retains a cottage, guest cottage, tool shed / wash house, privy, and dock. All but the tool shed / wash house are in good condition. The Gale boathouse is no longer extant.

Isle Royale National Park

Last updated: September 1, 2020