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Credit Municipio de Janos, Chihuahua
Event ID: 7442 Book: Janos-B Page Number: 33v
Event: Marriage Event Date: 05/20/1741 Event Place: Janos
Notes: En viente días del mes de mayo de mil setecientos y cuarenta y un año, casé y velé, in facie eclessie de Don Bernardo de Miera y Pacheco con Estephanía Dominguez, de licencia parroquial, a quienes presedieron las diligencias y velé según la costumbre de la Santa Iglesia, siendo padrinos Don Joseph Bezerra Nietto y Doña María Muños y testigos Don Pedro Bezerra y Juan Anttonio Guerra, Salbador Dominguez y otros de que doy fé. = Bachiller Thomas Bezerra Nietto (rúbrica)

On the 20th day of the month of May in the year 1741, I married and veiled in church ceremony, with parochial license, Don Bernardo de Miera y Pacheco and Estaphanía Dominguez. Their Christian duties had preceded and I veiled them according to the custom of the Holy church. Godparents being Don Joseph Bezerra Nietto and Doña María Muños, and witnesses Don Pedro Bezerra and Juan Anttonio Guerra, Salbador Dominguez, and others, of which I certify = Bachiller Thomas Bezerra Nietto (rubric)
Event Relationship [8 Records]

Personal ID: 5341 Given Name: Estefanía de los Dolores Surname: Dominguez Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 5342 Given Name: Salvador Surname: Dominguez Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 5354 Given Name: Tomás Antonio Surname: Bezerra Nieto Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 5365 Given Name: Pedro Surname: Bezerra Nieto Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 5366 Given Name: María Surname: Muñoz Relationship: Godmother
Personal ID: 19380 Given Name: Antonio Surname: Guerra Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 19624 Given Name: Bernardo de Surname: Miera y Pacheco Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 19625 Given Name: José Surname: Bezerra Nieto Relationship: Godfather
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