Pets are welcome to visit Andersonville NHS with some restrictions. Owners are responsible for their pet's care and conduct while on park grounds. To provide for the safety and enjoyment of pets, owners and fellow visitors, we request that pet owner comply with the following rules when visiting Andersonville with their animals.
- Pets must be on a leash no longer than six feet and under control at all times when outside their owner's vehicle. There are no designated areas for leaving pets unattended and tied to an object.
- Pet owners may not tie their animals to trees, monuments and other park structures.
- Pets are prohibited in the landscaped and grassy areas within the National Cemetery, but are premitted on the paved surfaces.
- Only service animals or those in training to become service animals are allowed inside buildings with their owners or trainers.
- Owners are responsible for removing any pet excrement left by their animals the park's exhibit areas, trails, trace roads and other areas with heavy public use.