FishAcadia National Park is home to 29 species of freshwater fish. These fish are found throughout Acadia’s numerous lakes, ponds and streams. Most of the bodies of water in the park are suitable for cold water species and therefore make them excellent places to see native shiners and brook trout throughout the year. There are some introduced species into some of the lakes more suitable for warm waters species such as smallmouth bass. In the last fifteen years, there has been concerted effort by Acadia National Park and surrounding park partners to re-establish healthy populations of Alewives (river herring) to the park’s watersheds. Alewife are an anadromous fish species. This means, just like the more familiar salmon, they breed and are born in freshwater but live the rest of their lives out in the ocean. Healthy populations are important not just for the wildlife that eat them, but this fish is also an important resource to people who are looking for bait fish for commercial fishing operations, including lobster fishing. Watch the Second Century Stewardship video on fish passage for more information on the challenges and successes that have occurred in Acadia National Park. The requested video is no longer available.
Last updated: September 15, 2021