Location: Acadia National Park Headquarters
Time: 1:00

Jacqueline Johnston, Chair
Fred Ehrlenbach, Vice Chair
Ben Emory, Member
Dexter Lee, Member
Ben Worcester, Member
Matt Horton, Member
Ken Cline, Member
Ken Smith, Member
Paul Richardson, Member
G. Bruce Wiersma, Member
Kevin Schneider, Superintendent, ANP
Michael Madell, Deputy Superintendent, ANP
Rebecca Cole-Will, Chief of Resource Management, ANP
Stuart West, Chief Ranger
John Kelly, Management Assistant
Brian Henkel, Maine Natural History Association
Keith Johnston, Chief of Facility Management
Stephanie Clement, Conservation Director, Friends of Acadia
Don Kent, President & CEO, Schoodic Institute
Carol Woodcock, Representative, Senator Collins
Chris Rector, Regional Rep, Senator King
Members of the Public
News Media

The Commission Chair called the meeting of the Acadia National Park Advisory Commission, Monday, June 04, 2018, 1:00 p.m. to order.

A motion was made to approve the agenda by Ken Smith; seconded by Ken Cline; all approved; no opposed.

A motion was made by Ben Emory to accept the minutes of the Advisory Meeting of March 12, 2018; seconded by Fred Ehrlenbach; all approved; no opposed.

Transportation Plan – Kevin Schneider
John Kelly shared a slideshow of Memorial Day weekend at Jordan Pond. Island Explorer buses were not yet operating.

Kevin Schneider gave an update on the status park’s Draft Transportation Plan. The idea behind this plan
is to plan for the future so we can sustainably accommodate growth and park visitation. We are in the
public comment period and are seeking public input on the draft plan and the direction for the
alternatives. There have been many public engagement and outreach activities to inform the public about
the draft transportation plan and preferred alternative(s). There were three Q & A sessions at the local
libraries. These sessions were video-taped by Friends of Acadia and broadcast online with over 4,000
views. We held two public workshops, MDI & Schoodic, which were formal opportunities for public
comments. There have been briefings with Mount Desert Board of Selectmen, Bar Harbor Town Council,
State Dept. of Transportation, Office of Tourism, Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce, and we will be
meeting with the Trenton Board of Selectmen, and the Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce. . We have met
with business owners and local community members. It is a complicated plan and we are trying to explain
it and address questions.

Adaptive management is a key piece of the preferred alternative. Adaptive management being we are
going to find something, see how it works, and adjust it as necessary. If we see it is not working, we are
going to try something else. It’s the idea that we continue to adapt; continue to learn. It is a long-term
planning process and it will take years to implement it fully.

The preferred alternative allows visitors to choose how they access the park. There would be focused on
management of three key parking locations, Jordon Pond parking lot, Cadillac Mountain, and Ocean
Drive. An on-line app would be used for making reservations during peak seasons and times of day. Some
reservations would be available for a short-term last minute reservation (48 hour in advance); other
reservations would be available, maybe four months out. If one elects not to make a reservation, there are
many other areas of the park not requiring the reservation system, i.e. Sieur de Mont or Bass Harbor
Light, trails accessed along state highways, Carriage Roads accessed along state highways. Visitors can
also take the free Island Explorer, taxi, hike or bike to locations. There are also opportunities to use
rideshare platforms like Uber and Lift. You can take Uber, for example, from downtown Bar Harbor to
Cadillac for about $15.00. With the advent of electric bikes, it is a great alternative to being in a motor
vehicle on Park Loop Road The plan calls for phasing out right lane parking gradually over time.

Another key component to the plan is building out Hulls Cove Visitor Center and the Gateway Center in
Trenton. Hulls Cove functions as a park and ride facility for on-island visitors. The plan proposes
doubling parking, and bringing the visitor center back down to grade. One concern of Bar Harbor is the
possibility of park vehicles being pushed into town. The Gateway Center in Trenton is the Island
Explorer’s hub and maintenance facility and the plan proposes to build it out as a park and ride center for
traffic coming from off-island. Passengers arriving by large motor coaches can see exhibits, purchase park
passes, and transfer to smaller buses for a tour of Acadia National Park. We would build out a visitor
contact facility or information station. Part of the idea is this may be done in partnership with local
Chambers of Commerce in the region as an inter-agency visitor center that serves the interest of all
communities downeast.

There is a proposal for converting Liscomb Pit to a 120 car parking lot to access the Eagle Lake Carriage
Road. Roadside parking along Eagle Lake Road would be eliminated. Parking at the boat ramp would be
for boaters only. We are also looking at off-highway parking for Acadia Mountain to address concerns of
parking on Rt. 102. We do not have a specific location in mind and welcome suggestions.
Reservation for parking will have a fee associated with it to cover the third party contractor fee (ex. $1-
$1.50, depending on the requirements) and ANP for associated costs (.50-$1.00) to cover intelligent
transportation systems, remote sensing of parking lots, and beyond that will offset additional Island
Explorer service. So if we had a reservation fee of a $4.00-$5.50 price point, it could generate a
significant amount of money to fund the Island Explorer in perpetuity.

The plan proposes to move to smaller sized tour vehicles that fit within the geometry of the roadway
through long-term concessions contracts. Numbers of Island Explorer buses would increase.
There are no significant actions for Schoodic in terms of traffic management; we will continue to monitor.
June 13th, we will have an online public information session. The comment period closes June 26.
Comments can be submitted by mail to the park or online at

After June 26, we will begin analyzing the public comments and group them into “Statements of
Concern”. Each statement of concern will have a response. Then we will make any adjustments to the
final preferred alternative and we will start building the Final Environmental Impact Statement, which we
hope to release around the end of this calendar year. We hope to have a Record of Decision in early 2019.
Then we have the implementation side of the Transportation Plan. The earliest to institute the reservation
system is 2020. Concessions contracts will be out for bid in 2019 to start in 2020.

The consensus of the ANP Advisory Commission is it is too early to endorse the draft ANP
Transportation Plan. They will relook at it after the comment period closes and the Transportation Plan is
adjusted from review of the Statements of Concern. They are requesting the comments be made available
for review by the Park Use Committee and reported to the full commission as general areas of concern.

Park Superintendent commented that further research needed to be done to comply with this request
because comments by individuals from the public may not be releasable to Commission members as they
may not be considered public information.

Fred Ehrlenbach made the motion that the Park Use Committee meet with the park staff to discuss
the public comments and report back to the full commission at the September meeting of the ANP
Advisory Commission.

Seconded by Dexter Lee; all in favor, no opposed.

Ben Emory made the motion that the commission take the position that it favors public comments
on the Acadia National Park Draft Transportation Plan be available to the public.

Seconded by Ben Worcester; all in favor, no opposed.

Pass Sales – Stuart West, Chief Ranger
Effective June 1, 2018, most national park passes will increase in price by $5.00, which is considerably
less than originally proposed. The new prices of Acadia National Park passes are as follows:
Annual Pass $50.00 → $55.00
Vehicle 7-Day Pass $25.00 → $30.00
Person 7-Day Pass $12.00 → $15.00
Motorcycle 7-Day Pass $20.00 → $25.00
Senior Pass Fee $80.00 ($80 for lifetime pass or $20.00 per year for annual pass)
Interagency Pass $80.00 (Annual pass for all agencies)

Commercial bus pass fees will remain as is for now, even though they are based on a per person fee. They
will increase next October.

Report: Sieur de Mont Flooding, Winter 2018 – Brian Henkel

Brian Henkel is funded by Friends of Acadia through the Wild Acadia Program. Brian is an employee of
the Maine Natural History Association. He is embedded here with our staff and through a partnership
between the park and Friends of Acadia. He is doing work on hydrology and wetlands in the park. He has
been studying the Cromwell Brook watershed as part of an analysis to look at the health of the watershed
through Friends of Acadia. Brian presented a condensed version of this presentation on the events this
winter which resulted in flooding and ice-over in the Great Meadow and Sieur de Monts area of the park

Maintenance/Facility Updates – Keith Johnston, Chief of Facility Management

An update on facility projects we have completed:
1. Seawall Check-in Station
2. Cadillac Mountain parking lot paving
3. Repaired a blown water main at the visitor center
4. Continued rehabilitation of Rockefeller Hall at Schoodic
5. Wildwood Stables - rebuilding of the camping area
6. Finished construction of the Isle au Haut pier

Ongoing projects include:
1. Wild Garden’s irrigation system
2. Replaced the water tank at Blackwoods Campground
3. Almost done with the work on Duckbrook Motor Road Bridge (masonry repairs on the ocean
4. Tea lawn rehabilitation is almost complete at Jordon Pond House
5. Repairing Park Loop Road on Isle au Haut

Future projects include:
1. Working on replacing underground gas tanks at Headquarters.
2. Campground amphitheaters at Blackwoods and Seawall
3. Replacing the park’s radio tower
4. Schoodic water tower needs work
5. Upgrade to Hulls Cove Visitor Center
6. Striping parking and roads this fall
7. Roof system on Isleford Museum
Lurvey Spring Road is still closed due to winter/spring damage with icing events. There are a lot of
washouts. It is passible for pedestrians and bicyclists, but not vehicles. We are down staff by 20% and not
sure when the road will be opened. It is the last road not opened.

None known

1. Elections of Commission Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary

The positions stand as it. Reminder there is a three year cap on holding positions.
Chair – Jacqueline Johnston
Vice Chair – Fred Ehrlenbach
Secretary – Carolyn Gothard

The motion to accept the positions as is was made by Dexter Lee; seconded; all approved, no opposed.

2. Committee Membership

Committee membership is thin. Please email Jackie Johnston is you have interest in
serving on a particular committee, particularly the Lands and History Committees. The
recommended membership per committee is 3-5 members.

Lands Committee – Ben Emory
The Lands Committee primarily focused on being responsive to concerns raised at the last Commission
meeting from Otter Creek residents. The commission agreed they would consider what was presented to
us, primarily the proposed resolution from Steve Smith. The park did a good job briefing us today. In
particular, we were briefed about how much the park has worked over a period of years with the Otter
Creek Aid Society and the Town of Mount Desert on various projects and considering various issues.
There has been a lot of back and forth (communication) between the Aid Society and the town. I did not
realize the extent of it and I don’t know if other committee members did. We came to the conclusion this
morning, the next step should be for the commission to send a letter to the Town Manager of the Town of
Mount Desert and ask if the town has any comments it would like to make at this point. We will take it
from there based on what we hear from the town.

Ben Emory made a motion that the Chair of the Advisory Commission send a letter to the Town
Manager to the Town of Mount Desert asking if the town has any comments to make about the
issues raised in the proposed resolution handed to us at the last commission meeting.

Seconded by Ken Smith; all approved, no opposed

Park Use – No Report
Science & Education – No Report
History – No Report

We are conducting surveys, phenology surveys on all the trails of Schoodic Peninsula as part of the Bird
Ecology Program. We are cataloging singing birds and building an audio library of birds for the park.
In the education programming, we are focused on shellfish resource management; starting locally with the
Sumner kids on how to retain soft shell clams.

We are working with a number of partners; Downeast Institute, Hurricane Island, Tanglewood 4-H Camp,
and a host of others – a number of communities and schools want in. We are looking at restoring mud
flats that have gone dead from a clam standpoint; eliminating green crabs and bringing back the soft shell

We are now thinking this is Communities Science Literacy. Schoodic Institute is really interested in the
outcome of scientific literacy and environmental stewardship. We are getting deep into it and rethinking it
and calling it Communities Science Literacy; passing along the scientific process and understanding to communities so they can figure it out without having a scientist; the process for forming hypothesis and
testing it.

Forestry – we are working with eight education campuses and universities in Maine with seedlings to
figure out where the forests are headed in Maine. So we have trees that usually grow from northern
Maine down to North Carolina. We are planting seedlings to learn what is going to grow with the shifting
climate. We have students from the universities and some citizen scientist volunteer students working on

Throughout the northeast region, we are working with National Park Service managers to talk about how
climate change affects their parks, then going forward and communicating that to others. This includes
some webinar-based training, as well.

We are doing a lot with the rocky inter-tidal. We have 15 sites around Frenchmen’s Bay and we are
working with the College of the Atlantic looking at the rockweed in the communities. They are key for
around Frenchmen’s Bay and, working with Citizen Science Association, we are also trying to figure out
which methods are best for assessing these communities.

The Smith Fellowes Fellowship Program was recently in town looking at big challenges to tackle. Maine
Coast Heritage Trust was at the Institute looking at what land trust conservation looks like fifty years
from now in Maine. We were happy to facilitate that event.

National Park Service is doing business planning. Downeast Fisheries Partnership was here to talk about
future of aquaculture here in Maine. UMaine has had teachers and students here, along with National
Parks of Boston. College of Atlantic was at the campus to talk to us about a student porpoise project.

FRIENDS OF ACADIA – Stephanie Clement, Conservation Director
David MacDonald expresses his regrets for not attending as he is traveling. First, I want to commend
Kevin Schneider, John Kelly, and Christie Anastasia for the public meetings you have been holding on
the Transportation Plan because I think it’s those kinds of efforts and all the meetings you have been
having with stakeholders that make a difference to those of us who live and work in the surrounding
communities. Thank you very much for that work.

Our seasonal staff is all in training today. The Summit Stewards are out there, along with the Youth
Technology Team who will be working on communications this summer; the regular seasonal
stewardship crew who will be working with volunteers all summer; the Wild Garden’s gardener and
seasonal intern; and recreational technicians who are trying to fil in some of the data monitoring that is
needed for adaptive management approach on traffic and so on. They will all be out there in the park, they
all have arrived and we are all excited to have them here.
Friends of Acadia have just completed an update of our strategic plan. Our priorities over the next three
years are as follows:
  • Continue our investments in Wild Acadia about natural resources restoration projects and expanding some to the west side of the Island at Marshall Brook watershed area
  • Continue our support for youth engagement activities through both internships that I mentioned and other school outreach programs making sure the kids have a chance to come to Acadia or the rangers can get to schools.

We will support transportation and congestion mitigation activities in conjunction with the park
on the transportation plan so, hopefully, we can fund some of the pilots that are needed to test
different actions and strategies.
  • We will continue our investment in trails and carriage roads, as usual.
  • New element of our plan is we are going to try to ramp up Friends of Acadia’s work in both the communications field and advocacy, as well, which is about people engagement more than anything else.

So that is a very brief summary and I will be happy to talk in detail with anyone who is interested.
For events we have coming up, we just had a very successful National Trails Day on Saturday. Our
newest employee, Dana Peterson, who is year-round volunteer coordinator for FOA, will be working over
the season to try and strengthen our volunteer program this year. He will also work during the winter-time
with the Winter Trails Association or the groomers and the sign shop volunteers, who recently won an
award for their work helping the park replace Carriage Road and Trail signs. We are thrilled to have him
onboard and look forward to increasing our support for volunteers.

Lastly, two other events to mention are the Wild Garden’s Plant Sale this weekend. So if you are looking
for any annuals, perennials, native plants, please come to St. Savior’s Church on Saturday and help
support the Wild Gardens as they try to rehabilitate the gardens after the ice damage this year. And last is
to invite you all on July 11th to the Friends of Acadia Annual Meeting at the Bar Harbor Club. We
welcome you all to come and share in the fun celebration.

Paul Richardson, Member of the Advisory Commission – I need to notify you (Chair) and the
rest of the Board (ANP Advisory Commission) that after serving thirty years on this
committee, I now need to resign. I will be 88 before this year ends and I’m forgetting a lot of
things so you need somebody younger to take my place. But I have enjoyed being with all of
you all through all of these years.

Jackie Johnston – Shared a draft Resolution acknowledging the resignation of Paul Richardson

Seconded by Ben Emory; all accepted, no opposed
“The Commission hereby puts forth a resolution to acknowledge Paul Richardson’s departure
from the Acadia National Park Advisory Commission. His decades of volunteer service to the
Commission represented far more than the town of Mt. Desert. He led the Lands Committee on
important acquisitions and easements. He also chaired the History committee and he authored a
book on the origins and evolution of Acadia National Park. Paul was involved in the intense
discussions resulting in the critical 1986 boundary legislation which is still relied upon to ensure
we stay on the right path. We greatly benefited from his deep knowledge of the park and
commitment to upholding the historic intent of the park’s landscape and use. We will miss his
ability to insert some humor into the proceedings at just the right time. The Commission is
grateful for Paul’s hard work, guidance and friendship over these many years and wishes him the

Kevin Schneider - On behalf of the park, we have appreciated your service. I only got to work with you
a fraction of your 30 years, but recognize you are one of the original members of the Advisory
Commission, which is something special, and we that you for your years of expertise and service.
(Advisory Commission originally started 1986, Paul Richardson has been on the commission
since 1989)

Steven Smith, Resident of Otter Creek – Were any of the concerns from the Otter Creek Aid Society
entertained on the Transportation Plan?

Kevin Schneider, Superintendent – We met with the Board of Selectmen for the Town of Mount Desert. I
do not believe the Otter Creek Aid Society submitted comments on either the Scoping or the preliminary
alternatives in 2015 or 2016. One question which came up at the Board of Selectmen meeting was if
access to inholdings would be provided; one being the Fish House of Otter Creek. And yes, you would
have access to those inholdings without a reservation. Obviously people need access to private property
and will make arrangements for that. I encourage you to go online or submit your comments in writing.

Joey England, Resident of Bar Harbor – The Island Explorer is a great resource. Are their plans within
the Transportation Plan to expand the Island Explorer to Memorial Day weekend or Cadillac Mountain?

Kevin Schneider, Superintendent – We desperately need the Island Explorer running Memorial Day.
Yes, with new funding for the Island Explorer, we would be able to expand the length of season, potential
routes, and the frequency of routes. Cadillac has never been served by the Island Explorer. The plan calls
for ways to look at getting the Island Explorer to run to the top of Cadillac. Logistically it is not easy. If
we have new revenue it gives us opportunities.

Sam Gains, Resident of Bar Harbor – What kind of feedback are you getting from the bicycling
community? Specifically, bike lanes to get to the park, i.e. Route 233, and the adequacy of the Island
Explorer bike shuttle.

Kevin Schneider, Superintendent – I have had some conversations with cyclists. I have chatted with a
couple of the stores in towns who rent and sell bicycles. To me, one of the biggest obstructions for
bicyclists is parking in the right lane. Hazards for cyclists are car doors opening and closing. By
removing right lane parking, I think you will see an improvement. Having smaller vehicles, as far as
motor coaches, would be an improvement. It would be great to have a separate pathway that goes from the
town to the high school along 233.. Thatis beyond this scope of this plan but I think it is an interesting idea that deserves some exploration. I think

when people see the separated path that runs along Route 3 to College of the Atlantic presently being
constructed, they will realize it is a great idea. It would be a great amenity for cyclists. We just need to
find a way to fund it.

Teri Peterson, Resident of Southwest Harbor – Are you going to be lumping in locals with summer
seasonal people who are not year-round residents but own property and pay taxes? It takes away the
spontaneity for local people to do things or enjoying the resources by having a reservation system.

Kevin Schneider, Superintendent – I don’t know. We want feedback on how to address this. It’s like our
half-price pass sales; anyone local or from another state can purchase it. There is a suggestion of a ten
pack/five pack for reservations to sell to locals.

Zack Kliger, Worked for Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co. – We tender cruise ship passengers to the
mainland. Are they proposing limits to number or size of large motor coaches going up to Cadillac?

Kevin Schneider, Superintendent – Yes, through the concessions contracts, we will have requirements
for smaller sized vehicles which could fit within the geometry of the roadways so they would be about 30’
long vehicles(size of Oli’s Trolley). We would still accommodate the same number of passengers but
through more vehicles running more trips. We already prohibit RV’s.

Claire Bingham, Owner of Taxi & Touring Fleet – Have operated under a CUA for the past 16 years
with 10-15 vehicles a season. It has been unclear if the reservations system will work and who will have
access to these reservations; if there is some kind of priority. I’m not asking for special treatment being a
local but rather for equal treatment. If the park is going to embrace the larger corporations, like UBER &
LIFT, to come into the park, I would only ask that they follow the same strict guidelines that the local
companies have to adhere to. Those drivers should be required to obtain a CUA and the same A+
commercial liability insurance that we are required to have. This is already required in many towns, states
and countries. In these places where UBER drivers are engaging in commercial areas or activities, in
addition to the ride-sharing which is considered a different category, those drivers are required to be
licensed and insured commercially. I believe operating in the park and providing tours would both be
considered commercial activities. So I would strongly request that you treat the local people as equally as
the large corporations that come in. Whether you are a billion dollar corporation or a two-car taxi
company, everybody should follow the same guidelines and have to provide the same insurance
qualifications. Our vehicles hold 6-14 people on average when they tour through the park where the
riding-sharing tends to be two people. So if you are jumping on the UBER train and trying to reduce
traffic, you are really increasing traffic or it is a zero some gain and you are putting the local tax
companies out of business and all the monies are going out of state to their corporate headquarters.
Another mention, not many people around here that are locals and a lot of elderly do not operate with
Smart phones and don’t have a credit card. Also the institutions we work with, like the Jackson Lab, the
Bio Lab, and the High Schools, etc, do not operate with a smart phone and app situation; rather they
operate with a purchase order. So if you jump on UBER and the tourist jump on UBER, you take the
tourist money away from the local taxi system, the local year-round taxi service will disappear. A lot of
people will be affected, not just those who lose their jobs but also those who depend on them. I would like
us to be considered equally in the future of this plan.

Kevin Schneider, Superintendent – We met and have talked about some of those concerns. I appreciate
you sharing them. You need to submit them in PEPC. There is a difference in taxi’s and tours. Taxis are
point A to Point B. A tour is ...., although plenty of taxi rides could be described as tours. They would be
managed separately with tours under concessions contracts and taxi services under CUA. So you could
have both. We would, absolutely, for the taxis want to level the playing field so that those all meet the
same requirements. It would be helpful to understand from your perspective. If you enter your comments,
such as insurance requirements, it would be helpful to us to have that information.

Stephanie Clement, Friends of Acadia – I just want you to know that Friends of Acadia will be
submitting official comments but we are likely to support the preferred alternative C and bring up a few
questions raised by the board and any minor suggestions and comments. We are supporting alternative C
because we believe change is needed and we really support that the park has taking an adaptive approach
that has been discussed this morning and we think it will be a good path forward.

The Commission Chair made closing comments. Please remember to send any suggestions for agenda
items for the September meeting to Jackie Johnston.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 10th, 2018, 1:00 P.M. at Schoodic Institute, Winter
Harbor, Maine, as published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
Motion was made to adjourn, seconded, and approved by all.
Meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm
Minutes Submitted by Kathy Flanders

Last updated: March 27, 2019

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