"Scenery is a hollow enjoyment to the tourist who sets out in the morning after an indigestible breakfast and a fitful night's sleep on an impossible bed." Stephen T. Mather, the first Director of the National Park Service

Director Mather believed only a well-rested and well-fed visitor would fully appreciate the wonders of our national parks. Beginning with Yellowstone National Park in 1872, private companies have worked with the National Park Service (NPS) in promoting the parks and serving visitors. Today, the NPS Commercial Services Program, mindful of this legacy, ensures visitors have access to high-quality visitor services and facilities so they may fully appreciate our natural and cultural treasures. We do this through our Concession, Commercial Use Authorization and Leasing Programs.

To find more information about open concession opportunities, tools, and laws, regulations & policies, and more,: visit the Concessions website.

To find more information about how to apply for and operate under a commercial use authorization, visit the CUA website.

For more information regarding lease opportunities and management, please visit the Leasing website.

For information about tourism in the National Park Service, visit the National Tourism Program


Also visit the Concessions, Commercial Use Authorization, and Leasing Web sites for specific important information for these operations.

Public Health Information for Park Partners

To support park concessions staff and concessioners in the development and implementation of good structural fire management plans and programs and minimize structural fire risks at NPS commercial services facilities park service wide the Commercial Services Program has adopted a structural fire checklist as additional criteria for review during the third-party environmental audits at concessions facilities. The checklist is available for review and reference by park and concession staff under "Concessioner Tools, Risk Management."

Last updated: November 5, 2024

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