Image of painting titled Hot Springs of Gardiner's River, Yellowstone Park

Artists in the Gallery and
in Park Collections

Bandelier National Monument collections relate to the over 11,000 year human presence in the canyons and mesas of the Pajarito Plateau. This gallery includes artwork by Helmut Naumer, Sr., who created pastels of park scenes and nearby pueblos.

Big Cypress National Preserve collections relate to the subtropical wilderness and marine estuaries in southern Florida and include artwork by Sam Vinikoff. Artists represented in the collection include Mark Fletcher, Damien Joseph, Jacqueline Roch, and others.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park collections relate to the geological and biological specimens collected from caves. This gallery includes artwork by William Howard Shuster.

Crater Lake National Park collections relate to the park's deep blue lake, surrounding high cliffs, and its violent volcanic past. This gallery includes paintings by Paul Clark Rockwood that document phases of Mount Mazama's eruption. Artists represented in the collection include Eugene Kingman, Chris (Christian) Jorgensen, Craig Thomas, Gunnar Widforss, and others.

More Artists in the Gallery and in Park Collections...

Image of painting titled Mountains of the Sun

Image of painting titled Breakfast Canyon