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POP CULTURE: Casual Living

Thanks to a prosperous economy, the GI bill, and new technology, many Americans in the 50s could afford a more relaxing way of life.  This held true for the Eisenhowers as well.  As new home owners, they unpacked all the objects and furnishings they had collected over the years.  The Eisenhowers enjoyed the casual lifestyle to which 1950s middle class America was fast growing accustomed.

The porch was the center of the Eisenhowers’ life at the farm.  Furnished comfortably, guests and the grandchildren felt at home.  Marathon bridge games were played here. Eisenhower pursued his hobby of oil painting on the porch.  He completed almost 300 paintings in the last 20 years of his life.  Several of Ike's paintings were used to make prints to give as Christmas gifts to White House staff members and friends. 

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