Chesapeake Gateways Grants FAQs

Several people fish from a pier.

Peter Turcik

Through the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network (Chesapeake Gateways), the Chesapeake Office of the National Park Service (NPS Chesapeake Gateways) administers a competitive grant opportunity to advance the Chesapeake Bay Initiative Act of 1998 within the full 41-million-acre Chesapeake Bay watershed.

NPS Chesapeake Gateways is advancing a bold new strategy to strengthen Chesapeake Gateways; gather and share the full diversity of Chesapeake stories; expand land conservation; provide equitable access to recreation, history, and nature; support local and working economies at a community level; and engage an inclusive and deep Chesapeake stewardship and resiliency movement benefitting all.

Some general questions are answered below. For more specific questions, click on the appropriate category on the right hand side of this page.


Last updated: September 1, 2023