Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Courthouse?
The courthouse would have been located in the vicinity of Tour Stop 6, but its actual location has yet to be definitively discovered by archeologists. The original courthouse was poorly built and fell into disrepair in the 19th century.

Does the park have a list of the soldiers who fought in the battle?

The park does have a card file and records of over 90% of the estimated 4400 American soldiers who fought in the battle of Guilford Courthouse. Each card in the file will list name and basic service information along with one or more sources for the information given. The park library and/or historical files will usually house these sources. The file is, of course, not complete, so you are invited to supply information to this on-going project.


What were the casualties in the battle?

Lord Cornwallis's Crown Forces suffered the highest casuality of soldiers and officers at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. The casualties were 28% for the British and 6-7% for the Americans. The following figures are approximate counts based on returns and other primary sources, as well as multiple historians' research.

Crown Forces soldiers engaged in battle: approx. 1,900

Killed in Action: 93
Wounded in Action: 413
Missing/Captured: 26
Total Casualties: 532

Returns show Cornwallis's army on March 15 as numbering 1,924 (not including the 250 loyalist "volunteers" under Col. Hamilton and 120 regulars detached to guard the baggage train). Some casualties were suffered at the fight at New Garden in mid-morning of the 15th. The British Army arrived on the Guilford Courthouse with no more than 1,900 men.

American Continental and militia soldiers engaged in battle: approx. 4500

Killed in Action: 79
Wounded in Action: 185
Missing/Captured: 1,046

Total Casualties: 300

The American casualty count was compiled by Col. Otho H. Williams on March 16, 1781, he was a commander of the Maryland Continentals. Williams's "missing" figures attempted to explain the large number of militia that had fled the field and who were not available to answer the return. This figure may have also included some killed and wounded numbers unknown to Williams. "Total casualties" include a modern estimates of killed and wounded that might be part of the "missing" category.

General Greene Monument
Nathanael Greene Monument


Where is the Nathanael Greene Monument?

The Greene Monument is located near Tour Stop 8 on the tour road. You can also walk to the monument from the visitor center. Approximate distance from visitor center to monument is 500 yards. You may also drive your automobile to Tour Stop 8 via the Battlefield Tour Road.

The monument was erected in 1915. The sculptor was Francis H. Packer of New York. The monument has been a popular symbol of the city since Greensboro is named after Nathanael Greene.

Last updated: August 8, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2332 New Garden Road
Greensboro, NC 27410


336 288-1776
This phone number will direct your call to the Visitor Center where you can speak with a Park Ranger or Volunteer.

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