The following field trips are offered in the park in the spring and in the fall for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. These free programs provide cirriculum-based hands-on learning experiences in the park's cultural and natural resources, including critical issues affecting these resources.
Sixth - Eighth Grade: Soil and Stream MacroinvertebratesStudents inventory the macroinvertebrates of the deciduous forest and stream using scientific methods. In small teams, the class will analyze the health of each ecosystem through the use of bioindicators and biodiversity. Seventh Grade: Trees and Carbon SequestrationStudents discuss of role and importance of trees with a focus on the carbon cycle through data collection. Students will determine how much carbon their tree stores, and will hike to the observation tower to see 360 degree views. Eighth Grade: Epic Encounters - Peoples of the SmokiesStudents explore the cultures and stories of the different peoples that have lived in and called the Smokies home through storytelling, games, and a hike.
To request a program, please contact the TN Education Office by email or phone (865-436-1258).
Last updated: July 8, 2024