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Typically gray-brown in color with a light stripe down the middle of the back. Three or more rusty colored warts in each of largest brown blotches along the back. Chest and belly generally not spotted. Parotoid glad touch cranial ridge behind eye. No greatly enlarged warts on tibia. Size5.1 to 10 cm long (2" to 4") Similar SpeciesPotentially hybridizes with both the American Toad, Anaxyrus americanus and and the Southern Toad, Anaxyrus terrestris. ReproductionBreeds early spring to mid-August. HabitatUses sandy areas near water sources; ditches, temporary pools, marshes, rivers, lakes, etc. BehaviorPrimarily nocturnal. VoiceCall is a short and unmusical bleat or nasal sounding 'w-a-a-a-h', not lasting more than 4 seconds. Hybridized males may have calls intermediate to parent species calls and therefore may be difficult or impossible to identify. Return to Frogs and Toads |
Last updated: March 12, 2019