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Credit Archive Diocese of Tucson
Event ID: 4523 Book: Tumacácori Page Number: 105
Event: Marriage Event Date: 06/19/1780 Event Place: Tumacácori
Notes: 66 - Ygnacio Escalante, viudo, con María Aguirre, viuda. En el año del Señor de mil, setecientos y ochenta, día diez y nueve de junio, habiendo precedido las tres denunciaciones que previene el Santo Concilio Tridentino entre días festivos continuados: la primera día once; la secunda día trece; y la tercera día diez y ocho del referido mes intermisarum solemnia, y no habiendo resultado impedimento, yo, Fray Balthasar Carrillo, Ministro de ésta misión, pregunté a Ygnacio Escalante, vecino de éste pueblo de Tumacácori, y viudo de María Antonia; y a María Aguirre, viuda de Joseph, y vecina del referido pueblo, y habido su mutuo consentimiento por palabra de presente que hacen verdadero y legítimo matrimonio, los junté solemnemente en matrimonio. Fueron testigos presentes y conocidos Miguel Higuera, Juan Ygnacio Mesa, y Joseph Pineda, vecinos de la misión. Para que conste lo firmó en dicho dia, mes, y año ut supra. = Fray Balthasar Carrillo (rúbrica), Ministro de Doctrina por Su Majestad

66 - Ygnacio Escalante, widower, and María Aguirre, widow. On the 19th of June in the year of the Lord 1780, the three banns prescribed by the Holy Council of Trent having preceded in all solemnity on consecutive festival days: the first on the 11th; the second on the 13th; and the third on the 18th of the said month, with no impediment having resulted, I, Fray Balthasar Carrillo, minister of this mission, having asked Ygnacio Escalante, resident of the village of Tumacácori and a widower of María Antonia; and María Aguirre, widow of Joseph and resident of the said presidio, and having received their mutual consent according to present policy to be truthfully and legitimately marred, solemnly joined them in matrimony. Present and well-known witnesses were Miguel Higuera, Juan Ygnacio Mesa, and Joseph Pineda, residents of the mission. This was signed in certification of the same on the said day, month, and year as above. = Fray Balthasar Carrillo (rubric), Minister of Doctrine for His Majesty
Event Relationship [8 Records]

Personal ID: 2577 Given Name: Baltasar Surname: Carrillo Relationship: Priest
Personal ID: 2581 Given Name: José Surname: Pineda Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 6031 Given Name: Miguel Surname: Higuera Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 9962 Given Name: Juan Ignacio Surname: Mesa Relationship: Witness
Personal ID: 10191 Given Name: Ignacio Surname: Escalante Relationship: Husband
Personal ID: 10192 Given Name: María Surname: Aguirre Relationship: Wife
Personal ID: 11549 Given Name: José Surname: Relationship: First Husband
Personal ID: 11550 Given Name: María Antonia Surname: Relationship: First Wife
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