
pairs of pillars stretch from the shore to the ocean with verdant hills and mountains in the background, shrouded by fog.
The Aleutian Islands are difficult to get to, which is part of why they were highly valuable outposts for the military in World War II.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Photo / Lisa Hupp


Getting to Amaknak & Unalaska Islands

The Aleutian Islands WWII National Historic Area is located on Amaknak Island, which is easily accessed from the nearby island of Unalaska and major community of Dutch Harbor. These islands are located 800 miles west of Anchorage and are best reached by plane or boat.



Getting to Other Aleutian Islands

There are many other locations within the Aleutian Island chain to explore and enjoy. Many of these locations are managed as the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge or the Aleutian Islands WWII National Monument.

Commercial flights to the westernmost Aleutian Islands (such as Adak) are limited. Charter planes are commonly hired for trips to more remote locations. Ferries do not service any islands west of Unalaska.

Last updated: May 15, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Aleutian Islands WWII Visitor Center
2716 Airport Beach Road

Unalaska, AK 99692



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