Volunteer Opportunities

Seven women of varying generations pose wearing a blue shirt that reads "Volunteer Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts"."
A group of Children's Theater-In-The-Woods Volunteers, 2023

NPS Photo

The volunteer opportunities at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts depend on the season and the needs of the park. Available opportunities are below, click on the links to read a description of the selected opportunity and apply online through Volunteer.gov.

Volunteer opportunities accommodate the busiest of schedules and provide experience for the young to the young-at-heart. Most of our positions are for 18 years of age and older; however, we have a few positions for those who are 13* years of age and older.

If you have questions and would like to contact the Volunteer Office directly, e-mail the office or call (703) 255-1893.

Seasonal Performance Opportunities
Recruitment for takes place from January through April. Volunteers commit to a specific night a week (Tuesday-Sunday) for the duration of the season (15-17 weeks). All volunteers attend mandatory orientation sessions prior to the season. These sessions are usually held in April and May.

  • Volunteer Ushers work closely with the usher staff to welcome visitors, scan tickets, pass out programs, direct people to their seats, and enforce the House rules. 4 hour shift / night.

  • Performance Ambassadors help visitors find their way from the parking lots to the gates, assist in safely crossing pathways, answering questions, and are outside the ticketed venue. 2.5 hour shift / night a week.

  • EMS Volunteers help patrons that require medical assistance at shows. Must be EMT-B or higher trained. Have a more flexible schedule, but shift length depends on performance length, ~6 hour shift / night.

  • Theatre-in-the-Woods Volunteers* help visitors find their way to the children’s theater for daytime shows (10:30am). Opportunity is open for those 13 years old and above. Flexible dates with a schedule of 9:30am-12pm, traditionally Tuesday-Saturday (7 week run).

Year-Round Opportunities
Rolling recruitment, please contact our
volunteer office if interested.

  • Natural Resource Volunteers help with assorted projects around the park, including invasive plant management, gardening, area restoration, and maintenance.
  • Trail Ambassadors rove the park's trails, answering questions and giving park information. They also assist at First Sunday Hikes and other special events.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Last updated: December 6, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

1551 Trap Road
Vienna, VA 22182-1643


703 255-1800

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